163. Do We Focus on Earthly or Heavenly Things?

by | Sep 17, 2024 | Podcast

In last week’s episode (you can find it in the show notes) I shared with you how I prepared myself to stay fully present for our son’s wedding on August 31. But what I didn’t share with you was how a distraction came into play two weeks before the wedding. This distraction nearly got the best of me, and it had nothing to do with Zach and Paige getting married, but had everything to do with the dress I was planning to wear for their wedding.

Do We Focus on Earthly or Heavenly Things? | woman silhouette standing with arms facing a sunset over water

I had shown a picture of the dress to a few people who asked about it in advance, and only a couple people saw it in person. Each one had their own opinion of the dress. Most of them were encouraging and positive, but some weren’t. The comments of, “Oh, wow, that’s not a typical mother of the groom dress,” and “Mothers of the groom normally wear beige,” caused me question my choice. Sadly, I allowed these comments to affect me. I began to second-guess my dress. Should I find another one?

My dress was clearly not beige and it definitely was not the typical mother of the groom dress.

I describe the dress in detail, why I was questioning it so much, and what happened to change my perspective–earthly or heavenly things make a difference. We also peer into Scripture to help us align our perspective with God and His heavenly things.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 18-minute episode.

The question He has taught me to ask ever since is this:

What am I focused on, earthly or heavenly things?

What are you focused on today? We can choose on where we put our emphasis. The heavenly things last, and the earthly things do not.

Friend, I pray you join me on this endeavor when it comes to earthly or heavenly things. Will we focus on what’s best? I pray we focus on what’s best. May you and I continue to grow in our faith in Jesus to immerse ourselves in His will and ways and not this world’s, and may God be glorified in it all. I’m cheering you on today! God bless you!

Links in this episode:

Episode 162, How to Stay Fully Present on Memorable Days
Learn more about my books, Right Now Matters and the Right Now Matters Bible Study
2 Corinthians 4:18 NLT
Colossians 3:2 VOICE
Romans 12:2 MSG
Matthew 6:19-21 NLT
Join the next group sessions of the Right Now Matters Bible Study
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Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 163, Do We Focus on Earthly or Heavenly Things?
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