In today’s episode we are discussing a subject I have put off for awhile. Because frankly, I didn’t want to go there. It’s a subject that can be a bit divisive and can cause a myriad of feelings. But it can be a big distraction for many, so we are going there to find some help and hope and lots of encouragement. After all, my word this year is uncomfortable, so even if we find this subject uncomfortable to talk about, I believe it’s important and it’s worth discussing. No matter if we’re in poor health or great health or somewhere in between, God can encourage us on this adventure with Him.

A favorite health quote is this:
To ensure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.
William Londen
What does “healthy” mean to you?
I want to live a life full of activity, joy, purpose, and possibilities. To be able to keep up with my kids and grandchildren. To live life to the fullest. And to tandem bicycle with my husband for as many years as I possibly can.
I desire for my health to be a blessing and not a burden, and I don’t want my health to be a distraction in my life.
I share in this episode the definition of healthy and how Medical News Today defines it. We also look at what God has to say about our health.
But living in poor health can be a big distraction for all of us. This episode is not meant to make you or anyone feel bad or good about your health. But my hope is to use this episode to encourage us all to take a long look at our health and make adjustments if needed. Because if we’re distracted by poor health, we are missing the gift of the moment we’re in.
The distraction of poor health says, “You are unwell.” But God says, “Trust Me with your health.”
Because I believe God cares about our health, just like He cares about every other area of our lives.
Poor health or good health: it all matters to God.
I share the personal health changes I’ve made in the last eighteen months and we pray together at the end of this episode.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 17-minute episode.
In closing, please know, I’m not a health expert and I’m still learning. This life is too important to live it distracted by poor health. Let’s trust Him with our health. Our health matters. God bless you.
Links in this episode:
- Definition of healthy from
- Synonyms of healthy from
- Definition of health from Medical News Today
- 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 VOICE
- Proverbs 3:7-8 NLT
- 1 Corinthians 10:31 ESV
- EWG’s Dirty Dozen
- EWG’s Clean 15
- Vani Hari @thefoodbabe on Instagram
- Dr. Bradley Campbell on Instagram
- Dr. James DiNicolantonio on Instagram
- Encouragement for Real Life Community
- Access my encouraging Free Resources on my site