Days Of Deceleration

by | Dec 29, 2014 | personal journey

Days of deceleration.

I’ve welcomed mornings of waking up without an alarm (even though I wake up about the same time anyway).

I’ve given myself permission to breathe deeper, move slower, and linger longer.

I’ve basked in the quiet, soaked in the beauty of rest, and found joy in just “being.”

Deceleration is a good thing.

It’s good to take your foot off the accelerator for a time.

To pause.

To rest.

To slow down.

To linger.

And to take care of yourself.

I’ll never forget how a speaker at a conference years ago said to us sitting in the audience,

“You never want to take your foot off the pedal. If you do, you’ll lose steam, and you’ll have to work twice as hard to catch up.”


Silly me, I believed this woman. I did what she said, because I wanted what she had. She seemed to ooze “success.” For years I kept the “pedal to the metal,” working as much as I could, only to realize I was on the fast-track to burnout, and worse yet, to self-destruction.

I learned the hard way “success” is not keeping your foot on the accelerator. It’s quite the opposite. May I suggest to you, friend, don’t ever listen to anyone who says taking time to decelerate is a mistake. It’s necessary. Necessary for rest. Necessary for growth. Necessary for a healthy physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

It’s necessary for life.

The girl I used to be–the one who worked all the time–couldn’t have been much fun to be around. Hope, joy, and peace weren’t found in my life much then. I was carrying more of a load, than being filled with life.

What’s that old saying??

All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl.

(Okay, so I improvised.)

Let’s spur each other on to decelerate, and to take time off.

And when we do, we aren’t to feel guilty.

Decelerate without guilt.Thoughts of “you’re being lazy,” or “you should be doing something” had a tendency to fill my mind when I first began to apply the brakes years ago. I had to consciously dismiss them. It wasn’t easy. I sometimes had to force myself to sit. To do nothing. To breathe.

But over time, I’ve been able to let go, and not feel guilty when taking time off. I can now thoroughly enjoy myself in down times.

Rejoice in times of rest, however long it is, friend. If you haven’t decelerated in awhile, I encourage you to do so soon. It’ll be the best thing you’ve done for yourself in quite some time. And, I believe you’ll be glad you did.

Cheering you on today,



It’s a joy to link this post with two friends of mine:  Holly with #TestimonyTuesday and Kelly with #RaRaLinkup. You’ll find much joy and encouragement in each space.

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  1. Kelly Balarie

    Julie, did you write this for me? HA! I sometimes move at 10 miles a minute. I have a hard time slowing down. I won’t say that I can decelerate now, but you are at least getting me to thinking about it. Thank you for your words of wisdom that are penetrating my heart. Ra! Ra! For you!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Kelly, I can relate! God will prompt you to decelerate if He desires you to do so. 🙂 Thanks for visiting and for hosting the #RaRaLinkup! Many blessings!

  2. Jennifer

    This is great! My one word for the year is “yield”. A lot of drivers think that means speed up so you can get through the light. I am trying to learn how to pause. Between your post and Meredeth’s it sounds like God is teaching us some similar lessons! Visiting from Testimony Tuesday.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Ooh, yield. That’s a great word, Jen! I’d love to read how your word impacts you throughout your year! Thanks for stopping in and for sharing. Happy New Year!!

  3. Jolene

    My one word is for the year is content. It is hard for me to be content if I am running myself ragged. Especially since I tend to be more forgetful, if I am trying to do fifty things at once. Thank you for this encouraging reminder.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Content. Love it, Jolene! Great word, and I can’t wait to see what God does through it for you this year. May He bless you in all ways!!


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