As the world sometimes seems to be crumbling around me, I am grateful and thankful that it all seems to disappear when I come home. When I walk in our door, everything seems to melt away except what’s really important in life.
I am thankful that our home is peaceful, it’s safe, it’s comfortable and it’s where our family can find solitude from the world around us. The communication we share with each other is priceless to me. The non-threatening tone that’s present is a blessing. The approval and love for each other is pretty special. I’ve found nothing like it anywhere else.
I guess that’s why I love being home so much, and I love it when our children choose to be home as much as they are, especially at their ages.
I’m thanking God as I close out my day tonight for our simple, yet blessed home. A house doesn’t make the home…God and family do! My heart is filled with gratefulness!

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