Christmas Music & A Generous Life

by | Nov 12, 2015 | Love God, personal journey

The weight of the world was settling in and stopping-up my heart.

Cancer. Death. Lay offs. Wars and rumors of wars. Gun issues. Racial tension. Political battles. Persecution. Red coffee cups. 20+ of our roof shingles blown to the ground (from nasty winds last night).

It was nearly more than I could handle in one day. I so wanted to gather my people, my stuff, my life and hide away with it all.

But I had agreed to meet a friend of coffee this morning, and I couldn’t cancel. I was forced to leave my safe, turquoise hiding spot here in my home office, and brave the elements of the weather and the world.

Besides, a good latte sounded delectable.

An hour and a half later, after good coffee and great conversation, I was ready to return to my turquoise world. And as I did, a Pandora suggestion appeared on my phone reading, “When you’re ready, we’re ready,” advertising Christmas Radio.

“Oh, I am so ready.” I hit the button and immediately A Holly Jolly Christmas tickled my ears. Friend, this was good for my soul.

Now, I know I’m breaking all the appropriate rules. It’s not Thanksgiving yet, after all. I realize I might send you running with these words, but yes, Christmas music is playing in my office this afternoon.

Why? Because there’s something about Christmas, the hope and peace it offers, the generous and giving spirit that accompanies it. My heart needed some of this hope today, and the music is ushering it in.

God gave generously at Christmas with the birth of His Son. His best gift. Instead of being tempted to gather all I have and keep my gifts to myself, maybe I, too, should give them… generously.

To be generous with my time.

To be generous with my talents.

To be generous with my treasure.

To be generous with my words, my hands, my feet, my heart.

To be generous with my family, my friends, my life.

To be generous in all the ways I can, with all I have.

Be generousSometimes it’s in the giving that we receive, right?

So, when the reality of this world begins to crowd, when devastation fills the news, when the trivial tempts me to gather and hide, and even when our shingles are blown off our roof, it’s good to recall God’s truth:

“In a word, what I’m saying is, Grow up. You’re kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you.” Matthew 5:48

I think God told Matthew to write this verse just for me. To prompt me to grow up and live out my God-created identity, and to live generously and graciously, no matter what circumstances engulf me (and no matter how many shingles are on our lawn).

God’s generosity doesn’t depend on circumstances. Mine shouldn’t either.

It’s amazing what a little Christmas music can do. Even before Thanksgiving. (God can use anything to reach and teach us, can’t He?!)

Choosing to live generously. I invite you to join me.

Much love,




I’m thrilled to link this post with Suzie Eller for #livefreeThursday. Living generously helps us live free!

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  1. Kim

    I normally do not want to hear even an inkling of a Christmas melody until the day after Thanksgiving. 🙂 But, this year I’ve actually listened to How Many Kings by downhere multiple times, beginning in mid October. I adore this song. This song really expands Jesus’ life, birth to death, and in my opinion it should actually be played year round.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Kim! I’ll have to check that song out. I know, I break the mold when it comes to some traditions. That music really helped me yesterday. I’m thankful God points us in the right direction to where we’ll find what we need. Bless you, friend. Hope you’re day is going well!

  2. Tara

    Oh friend! I needed to read these words today. So much has been making feel overwhelmed..a seminary classmate and friend being moved to hospice as she continues to battle cancer. I love Christmas music. I think I’m going to have to pull some Christmas music out before Thanksgiving.

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m so sorry to read about your friend, Tara. I’m continuing to pray. Please keep me posted. And if it might help, do ahead and pull out that Christmas music. I don’t know why it needs to be saved for after Thanksgiving. 🙂 Bless you, sweet friend!


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Julie Lefebure
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