Choosing Joy

by | Aug 24, 2010 | God, joy, me

Have you ever read something that seemed to pierce your heart and stop you in your tracks?  You read it and you knew those words were divinely appointed for you…they were what you needed.  You felt those words touched you in a way that changed you and changed your outlook, attitude, and maybe even your life?
That happened to me yesterday.
I read my daily email from Chuch Swindoll.  It comes into my email inbox each morning at 6am.  Some days I’m sitting there with a few minutes to spare waiting for it to arrive before I shut my computer down for the morning, and some days I forget about it’s arrival and see it after it’s been in my box for a few minutes.  Some days’ writings really grab me, and some days’ don’t.  Yesterday’s pierced my heart.

It was called Choosing Joy.  It was about having a joyful countenance…CHOOSING to have a joyful countenance.  Joy has nothing to do with one’s age, job, bank account, looks, education, location, spouse, children or circumstances.  Joy is a choice.

I stopped and paused.  I asked God to help me be joyful yesterday, no matter what. 

Being joyful is not a fake happiness.  It’s choosing to see the positive side of a situation.  Joy comes from within.  In thinking about it more, it’s choosing to put one’s confidence in God–trusting Him to work, trusting Him as He’s in charge, and that He can handle what has happened, what is happening, and what will happen.  HE is the foundation of joy.

And surprisingly enough, yesterday was a joy-filled day!  I chose joy in the most painful mammogram I’ve had thus far. I chose joy handling a somewhat difficult situation.  I found joy picking up our new Mission of Hope shirts!  I found joy in having lunch with Bill.  I found joy picking up Zach from school and hearing about his day.  I found joy in being a mom and wife yesterday…to the most amazing kids in the world and to the greatest husband on the planet. 🙂  I could go on…but I won’t.

Will you choose to be joyful today with me, no matter what we may be going through?  I’m going for day 2, trusting God in ALL my circumstances, and CHOOSING joy….

I will share again with you soon on my joyful journey!

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