Choose Grace Instead Of Guilt

by | Nov 2, 2019 | Real Life

Do you have a mantra? A word, phrase, or truth you repeat to yourself and others? Maybe it’s something you learned or a lesson you’ve been taught. Maybe it’s a scripture or a quote. Or, maybe it’s private for only you and God to know. My new mantra surfaced as I prepared the material for our last BYOB and B event, Goodbye, Guilt!.

I often express how these BYOB and B events I host impact me the most. I marvel at how God uses the subjects and the material I prepare to teach me, to mold me, to heal me, or to grow me. Or all of the above. As I spend time in His Word and in prayer in preparation for the events, He teaches me truths I otherwise would have missed. And, I’m thankful He does.

So, out of the Goodbye, Guilt! material came my new mantra. On the subject of guilt and shame and how to finally say goodbye to it, this new mantra surfaced to the top of everything else… “Grace instead of guilt.”

Grace instead of guilt.

For those of us who have messed up a time or two–or a lot!–in this life, grace is a beautiful word. It’s an even more beautiful truth. Grace is what I cling to. And, if it wasn’t for God’s grace, I’d be forever doomed.

grace :: the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.

It’s definition is even beautiful! Because of God’s amazing grace, I am considered not guilty, not condemned for the wrong things I’ve done. And, goodness, I’ve messed up a lot. For God’s grace, I’m eternally grateful.

I even got these words screen printed on a t-shirt to remind me. Because some days guilt can attempt to get the best of me. Some days I need a reminder to keep me in the flow of God’s grace.

Choose grace instead of guilt.

God’s best for us is to choose grace instead of guilt.

Guilt wants to condemn us. Grace wants to absolve us.

Guilt desires to discourage. Grace desires to encourage.

Guilt keeps is in bondage. Grace sets us free.

Guilt destroys. Grace gives life.

When I choose grace, guilt cannot stay. When I choose grace, guilt does not have the final say. And, when I choose grace, I honor God and live in the freedom Jesus has given me. I can live in His grace and say goodbye to the guilt. Hallelujah!

Friend, you can, too.

His undeniable, ever-giving, free-flowing, life-changing, amazing grace. It’s true, no matter what you and I have done or haven’t done, God’s grace is greater.

So, how do we go about this? How do we choose grace instead of guilt?

6 Steps to Choose Grace Instead of Guilt:

  1. Recognize the guilt. Is it guilt that condemns or guilt that corrects? If it’s guilt that condemns, we intentionally can choose grace instead. If it’s guilt that corrects, apply number 2 below.
  2. Confess sin when necessary. If you feel weight of a wrong action or word and God leads you to the point of correction, ask Him to forgive you for it. He’ll not only forgive you, but He’ll remove it from you… as far as the east is from the west.
  3. Ask God to help you forgive yourself. If you’re having a difficult time forgiving yourself for something you’ve done, ask God to help you love yourself and to see yourself in ways He sees you. Accept the truth that you are a work in progress and God is working in you.
  4. Apologize when needed. If you’ve wronged someone, apologize. Ask him/her for forgiveness. Say you’re sorry for what you’ve done. Do what you can to make your wrong, right.
  5. Make corrections in life for protection and growth. If your mess-up was in gossiping about someone, then don’t hang out with those who pull you down into that behavior. If you hurt someone by your actions, remove yourself from situations that may tempt you to act in a similar way in the future. Don’t give the enemy of your soul a foothold in any part of your life.
  6. Live in freedom, knowing you are not perfect. Paul stated in Romans 3:23, “we’ve all sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.” So, we can’t be perfect. Let’s just rest in that right now. It’s okay to not be perfect. Why? Because God gave us a Savior who is.

Friend, this is grace.

God’s grace tells us Jesus has covered our mistakes. God’s grace affirms we are loved and accepted and worthy, despite our actions. And, it reminds us to live in the freedom Jesus offers us today.

In my next post I’m sharing more truths from our Goodbye, Guilt! event. Certainly, these are life-changing truths for me! I look forward to gathering together again next time!

In the meantime, choose grace, my friend!

P.S. Our next BYOB and B (Bring Your Own Bible and Beverage) event is on December 9, Simplify the Season! I’d love to share this encouraging evening with you! Details can be found here.

Simplify the Season

Choose grace instead of guilt. Here are 6 steps to help!
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  1. Cindy

    Amazing grace, how sweet the sound, that saved a wretch like me!! Isn’t it crazy how we can remember the times we’ve messed up no matter how long ago they happened and not readily remember the times we’ve done good? Guilt just crowds it’s way into our thoughts but as you’ve so beautifully said it is evicted when grace moved in! I’m glad you’re sharing these lessons your learning because I need them too!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I agree, Cindy. When grace moves in, guilt flees. So thankful! I’m glad we can walk with each other through this life. God bless you!



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  2. Struggling With Guilt? Here's 11 Bible Verses To Cling To. - Julie Lefebure - […] yourself struggling with guilt? In recent posts we’ve discussed choosing grace instead of guilt and learning the difference between…
  3. My Story: Daring To Choose Grace Instead Of Guilt - Julie Lefebure - […] 6 Steps to Choose Grace […]

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Julie Lefebure
Choose grace instead of guilt.
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