Weeds in Flower Beds

Last evening was a productive evening!Bill and Zach put together the first of three goals for the soccer field Bill has been working on for Zach. I never knew PVC pipe could be used for a goal! They are making two smaller sized goals out of PVC pipe for each of the...

A Whirlwind Week!

What a week! It has been a whirlwind!! How can it be Friday already?? I haven’t been able to spend any time on here since Monday.As I wind down this Friday night, I think back to my week:  Working my Mary Kay business, working at Mission of Hope, two soccer...

A Glorious Sunrise

From our home we get the benefit of being able to see the sunrise and the sunset each day. When I walked out into our kitchen this morning, I was met with such beautiful colors out our kitchen window. I had to try to capture it on film. A half-hour later, this was the...

11am…71 Degrees!

It’s a little after 11am and it’s already 71 degrees!!  On March 16!!  Boy, did we ever pick the right week to have Spring Break!!It felt great to wake up on my own, with no alarm clock!  I have had a relaxing morning…read my Jesus Calling...

Mr. Positive

“Your attitude is your thought life turned inside out.”  –Joyce MeyerYes, Joyce.  It sure is.  Well stated.I’m in the middle of our spring break, and I’m already feeling it’s over.  There’s nothing like a thought like that to...

Spring Break Day 1

Yesterday was a great start to our Spring Break vacation!We attended the beautiful wedding of our friends Sam & Mitch!  I realized today, though I never got a picture of the two of them together.  What a wonderful married couple they will be!  We were honored to...

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