Not Letting Anyone Rob My Joy

There has been much of my joy robbed from my life in the last month. Circumstances beyond my control and the behavior of others started this joy-robbing vacuum. And I allowed my joy to be taken.I put an end to that today.At the end of my work day, something switched...

Life is an Adventure

I find my life to be an adventure.And I guess I wouldn’t want it any other way.Maybe you join me in this thought. Or maybe you don’t. :)This morning I woke up fully expecting to see the annoying twitch that’s been happening under my left eye since...

My Eyes Opened to Human Trafficking

This morning I attended a presentation of a woman who has become a friend of mine through the Mission. I respect this friend, and value her wisdom. I attended to support her in what she’s passionate about, but I found my eyes were opened to this very serious...

Focusing on Him

This is crazy. Another week has passed me by. How can it continue to be so busy? I don’t understand it. I’ve put my priorities in order. I’m working where I believe God wants me to be. I come home exhausted, and want to do nothing but rest. I’m...

A Week of Busy

A week has passed me by.Are you feeling as distracted as I am?Is life as full for you as it is for me?Maybe life is as full as we make it… I don’t know.But none the less, a week as passed us by since I last wrote.Since then, I’ve managed to keep my...

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