Inspiration for Today

“Whenever someone has done something nice for you, write a thank-you note.  When someone needs a lift, write a personal note of encouragement.  When tragedy strikes another, express your sympathy with a heartfelt card.  You’ll never know how meaningful...

Inspiration for Today

“If you take a little time a few times each week to jot down your thoughts, you will be amazed at the results.  You will find that the small stuff in your life will feel more ordered, and the big stuff won’t seem so imposing.”–From God is in...

"Thighs Like Hers"

I’m an open book with you today…if you aren’t up to some flagrant authenticity, you might not want to read my post today. :)I’ve been reading the book, So Long Insecurity, by Beth Moore.  I’ve read it in increments, and in between other...

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