by Julie Lefebure | Oct 8, 2011 | family
My nephew and Godson, Bennett, is pretty special to me. All my nieces and nephews are! I am so thankful I get to be their aunt. 🙂 Bennett invited me to be his V.I.P. on V.I.P. Day at his school on Wednesday. I took the morning off of both BSF and work to spend it...
by Julie Lefebure | Oct 3, 2011 | fall, family
Yesterday was Bill’s Garage Day! October 2, 1972, my dad purchased the Culver Garage in Norway and began his own mechanic garage, “Bill’s Garage.” Because this was a special day for him and for our family, he termed October...
by Julie Lefebure | Sep 26, 2011 | fall, family, God's blessings, vacation
Seven years ago today, the four of us were snuggled together in our hotel room on the third floor of Disney’s Pop Century Resort in Orlando, FL. We were riding out Hurricane Jeanne. The resort authorities advised their visitors to not go out of our hotel rooms...
by Julie Lefebure | Sep 17, 2011 | family, grieving
Yesterday, September 15, was Mom’s birthday. Gosh, I believe she would have been 79. I wish I could have wished her a happy birthday. I wish I could have made her a cake and watched her blow out her candles. I wish I could have bought her a birthday...
by Julie Lefebure | Sep 7, 2011 | family, me, schedule, thankfulness
I’m realizing my last post here was Saturday. And it’s Wednesday already…four days later. My life seems to be flying at warp speed these days. I’m doing my best to slow it down, when I can. And I’m trying to be thankful through it...
by Julie Lefebure | Aug 16, 2011 | family, just for fun, me
I have decided today that I am once again removing clutter from my life. I have had it! If I don’t use it, wear it, or love it, I’m removing it from our home. Period. (Good thing I love my family!) 🙂 Now, I don’t consider myself a hoarder or a...