Z-Man in Band

Zach (sometimes called Z-Man) had his last 7th grade band concert for the year last night.  It’s hard to believe how quickly the school year is coming to an end!  His 7th grade band is so talented, and I believe I heard someone say last night that there are 137...

He Has Ears!

Zach had an appointment to get his hair cut on Friday.  As he was sitting in Tracy’s chair, deciding on how she should cut it, I was shocked to hear, “I want to go a lot shorter” come out of his mouth!  I think Tracy was as surprised as I was!So in a...

A Soccer & Volleyball Week

Last week was a full week of soccer practice for both school soccer and club soccer for Zach.  He also had his first 7th/8th grade soccer game on Tuesday!  Ali had her last volleyball tournament for the club volleyball season over the weekend.  Both Zach and Ali...

What I Found on My Camera…

I uploaded pictures from my camera onto my laptop this morning, and I caught myself laughing outloud at these pictures that Ali and her friend Callie had taken of themselves in the back seat of my car on the way to their volleyball tournament last Friday! ...

Happy 13th Birthday Zach!

I get the privilege of being the mom of the best son in the world…and today, I am officially the mom of TWO teenagers! 🙂  My baby (he wouldn’t like me calling him that I suppose), turns 13 today!  What a fine young godly man God is growing Zach up to be! ...

Meeting My Daughter Behind the Wheel

I knew this day would eventually arrive.  I knew, even when Ali was a little girl, that someday in the future, I would experience this day.  I dreaded it, I tried not to think about it, and I sometimes laughed it off.  But it’s here, and doing those things did...

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