I Can’t Lose Jesus

The last sentence in my devotional reading today spoke volumes to me…”No matter what you may lose in this life, you can never lose your relationship with me.”Thank you, Jesus.  Thank you.There certainly have been things in my life I have lost.  And I...
Living Life in the Moment

Living Life in the Moment

Today is the third day of school for Ali and Zach.  I forgot from last year just how full this time of year is in regards to our family’s schedule!  But within the last few days, it has all come back to me very quickly! This week alone: Zach has soccer practice...
First Day of School

First Day of School

Summer break is over.  Today was Ali’s first day of her senior year, and Zach’s first day of his freshman year of school.  As I took this picture this morning before we headed out, it became very real to me knowing that this is the last picture I will ever...

Three More Pictures…

Ali had her indoor senior pictures taken last Thursday.  The pictures that John, our photographer, put on facebook on his page look absolutely amazing.  I have to share three more on my blog.  What a beautiful young woman our daughter is growing up to be!  I am in awe...
School Registration

School Registration

Yesterday was registration at school for Ali and Zach.  In all my twelve years of registering the kids for school, I’ve never enjoyed it.  I’m the parent of our family who usually goes to registration, and usually both kids join me.  This year, it was just...

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