Labor Day…Already?

Labor Day is viewed by many to be the unofficial end to summer. I love summer, and I don’t want it to end.This summer flew by me at lightning speed. I did my best through the end July to capture our summer on my blog, but time seemed to get squeezed for me...

Getting Used to the Quiet

This has sure been a strange week for me. I’ve been home a lot by myself. I used to cherish those times…now, not so much. I’m used to the hustling and bustling that always seems to be happening in our home. I’m not used to the quiet.Ali has...
A Time of Transition – Ali Moving Out

A Time of Transition – Ali Moving Out

It’s a beautiful Sunday morning…one of the most beautiful mornings I can remember. And on the beautiful morning, I am filled with all sorts of emotions and feelings. I have to say, I enjoy sharing my life and the stories of my life with others, in hopes...

Experiencing Summer 2013 – July 21-28

Bill left for RAGBRAI on Saturday, July 20. The ride began the next day in Council Bluffs. Bill sent me a few pictures along his way. :)Packing up to head west…Bill’s home each night…Monday, as I shared in My Juror Experience post, I was called for...

Experiencing Summer 2013 – July 14-20

Continuing to get caught up with my Experiencing Summer 2013 posts, I am thankful for such a fun and blessed summer we’ve experienced so far.Some of the most wonderful relaxing times have been on our back deck and in our own back yard.My aunt Wendy was in the...

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