My Years of Motherhood

My Years of Motherhood

Happy early Mother’s Day to all in the sisterhood of motherhood! Living out this calling of motherhood has been my greatest challenge, and also my greatest blessing. I love being a mom! I took some time this week to reflect on the years of my motherhood thus...
Being There For a Friend

Being There For a Friend

We stood at the end of the “human tunnel” to congratulate our winning soccer team. One by one, each player quickly passed by. I anticipated seeing that face I love come next. But, the line ended. The players rushed off to the locker room. All… but my...
You Only Turn 17 Once

You Only Turn 17 Once

I knew waking up yesterday morning that it was going to be a BIG day. It was this little man’s 17th birthday. Seventeen years ago this precious boy came into our lives. He’s been melting this mom’s heart since the first time I laid eyes on him....

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