Breathing, When You Feel Like Screaming

by | May 10, 2016 | Love God

I heard someone voice the words I believe many of us of late can relate to:

“I’m overwhelmed.”

I listened, and I understood.

With work, and Bible study, and taking care of family, and keeping a home running, and exercising, and making healthy food choices, and getting a good night’s sleep (what’s that??), it’s a lot on one’s plate.

Plus a weekly date night, finding time to write, pursuing a dream, completing spring yard work, spending time conversing with God, and squeezing in time for oneself… add it all up to be something nearly impossible.

Yep. I get it.

It’s no wonder we might feel like screaming,

“I can’t do it all!!”

Friend, what if we, instead of screaming, we focused on breathing?

BreathingWe can’t always control what we are responsible for, but we can control how we balance it all.

I’m one who is a list person. It gives me great pleasure to cross items off my sometimes mile-long list. But no amount of crossing things off, and no amount of working fast and furiously through that list can compare to the importance of taking time to breathe.

You might be a scheduler. Where you have everything mapped out in a perfectly color-coded schedule. No amount of scheduling and coloring can compare to the blessing of breathing.

Or maybe you’re feeling so overwhelmed to the point your paralyzed. Breathing has never been more important than right now.


Resting. Pausing. Unwinding.

I’ll add, spending time with God. Listening. Reading His Word.


Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

It may not consciously make sense to pause and rest when overwhelmed, but truly, that’s the only answer. Jesus said it, Himself. When we stop and come to Him, He will give us rest. True rest. Rest we cannot receive from anyone or anywhere else.

Take a few moments to soak in this timely video and song from Jonny Diaz, Breathe

Stop back tomorrow. We’ll take a look at some powerful encouragement when we’re feeling overwhelmed, straight from God’s Word.

I’m praying for you today, friend!

Much love,




I’m hanging out and linking up with my Tuesday friends: Holly for #TestimonyTuesday, Crystal for #IntentionalTuesday, and Kelly for #RaRaLinkup.

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  1. Meg Weyerbacher

    Yes and Amen! God seems to be whispering calm down, peace be with you and have Hope. Today His Word keeps lining up that way everywhere I go. God bless!! Your neighbor from #IntentionalTuesday

    • Julie Lefebure

      Powerful words you’re receiving today, Meg! His Word is lining everywhere I go today too. Thanks for stopping by and for sharing! Bless you!

  2. Michele Morin

    And if only we can give our minds over to the Spirit so that the rhythm of our breathing can be aligned with the rhythm of Truth found in the Word. Thanks, Julie, for this encouraging push of the re-set button.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Michele. Good point! Tomorrow I’m sharing God’s Word to encourage those of us who might be needing to hit the re-set button. Thanks so much for being here today!

  3. Mary Geisen

    Love the song! There is something about the rhythm of breathing in and out that slows us down and gives us a reason to pause and know we can do it. It is easy to be consumed by the feeling of being overwhelmed. God desires that we slow down and draw Him into our day so He can lead us through it without such chaos. Thank you for the encouragement.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Slow down and draw Him into our day… Yes, Mary! Thank you for these powerful words. I’m thankful we can journey together in this world that’s often filled with chaos. We need each other. I’m cheering you on today, friend!

  4. Joanne Viola (@JViola79)

    Julie, I loved this post. We so need to be reminded in the midst of being overwhelmed to just breathe in the goodness of our God. I loved the song too! Blessings!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Joanne! Yes… breathe in the goodness of our God. He IS so good, isn’t He? Thanks so much for being here today. Blessings to you, friend!

  5. Meg Gemelli

    Oh my, there’s no time to breath in the spring! 😉 I did though and it’s because of you. May is definitely the most difficult month of the entire year to seek God and to space out our activities. End of school, teacher appreciation, mother’s day, birthdays, writer’s conference, sports schedules, gardening…it never ends. I’m not comforted to know that most women struggle, but I’m extremely hopeful that we find respite in God…and that HE puts activities on the schedule, not us. Thanks Julie!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Oh, Meg. Amen and amen to your words. I’m hopeful we find respite in God too. Each one of us. I’m thankful you chose to breathe today. May we do it again tomorrow! Praying for you tonight. Blessings!

  6. denisemroberts

    Hi Julie – Overwhelmed is today’s word for sure. So much so I cried on my walk with my dog this morning. Overwhelmed paralyzes me. Thank you for the reminder to breathe…. Blessings! Stopped in from #intentionaltuesday!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Denise, I’m sorry to read you cried on your walk this morning, but, I do understand. I had a moment like that last week. I’m glad we can remind each other when it’s time to breathe. (I forget!) Thanks for stopping over today. It’s a blessing to have you here!

  7. Tara

    Such a great song. It really is important to remember to rest. “Be still and know that I am God!”

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Tara! Be still… I’m working on that one.

  8. betsydecruz

    I love this song. So appropriate. Thanks for your encouragement to just stop and breathe. I guess when we feel like screaming is when we need most to stop and breathe. Blessings on your week, friend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Betsy. I love that song too. So encouraging! Praying we all can recognize before we get to the point of screaming. Blessings to you, friend!

  9. Christa

    I’m somewhere between a list-crosser-offer and a scheduler, but on most days, neither keeps me feeling overwhelmed. But taking a little “Jesus break” in in the middle of the day does often help keep things in perspective. Thanks for sharing and I’m looking forward to your other tips!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Christa! A “Jesus break”… I love it! That’s something I will intentionally do this week. Thanks for that, and thank you for stopping over. Blessings to you!

  10. Sandy Schneekloth

    Needed to hear this today… With finishing the school year there seems endless things to do and I often forget to breathe and let God take over….the only way to have true peace.. Blessings….

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Sandy! I forget to breathe too, and I love the song that reminds me to do so. Praying the school year finishes in a blessed way for you! Thanks for sharing and for stopping in for a few minutes. Blessings to you!

  11. Dianne Thornton

    I love this song. It caught my attention immediately. How can it not? The tempo matches our frenzied pace … and then totally stops. I need to stop and breathe … Resting with my Savior. Thanks, Julie.

    • Julie Lefebure

      You and me both, Dianne. Stopping and breathing. Thank you, friend for your words of life and love!


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