Last week Ali and Zach spent each day at Bible Day Camp at Trinity Lutheran. They each have gone every year ever since they were four years old, and every year they always have a blast! This year was no exception!
Ali is too old to be a “camper” so she was a helper all week. The organizer of the Bible Camp couldn’t say enough wonderful things about Ali and the work she did to help the week run smoothly. She said she couldn’t have made it through the week without Ali there. 🙂 Talk about making Ali’s mom proud!
Zach, because of his age, was in the Confirmation class. Even though we don’t go to that church, or belong to that denomination, he was still included in that class, which I thought was very nice. He’s now in the oldest group there! (Hard for me to believe!)
They did cool stuff all week!…made creations of Perler Beads, tie-dyed socks and shirts, made prayer journals, made name tags, and had a water day on Friday morning to wrap up the week! They had such a great time!
On Thursday evening each year they have a program where parents, grandparents, family members, etc. can come and enjoy a cookout and a small program where the campers perform the songs/skits they’ve worked on all week. This is always a very memorable evening!
Zach’s group performed a skit and a song…I got the song on video after I saw Zach’s cool moves at the beginning of the song. It makes me smile each time I watch it! I wonder where he gets his “on stage” skills?? Must be from his dad! 🙂
I’m thankful for Trinity Lutheran for all they do each year at Bible Camp to add one more layer to Ali and Zach’s Christian teaching and growth! May God bless their church and work for Him abundantly!

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