The Best Kind Of Mail To Open Daily

by | Oct 14, 2016 | Five Minute Friday

I love mail.

I’ll clarify. I love mail that’s not bills or political fliers.

Every once in awhile I’ll find a fun package or a letter or card tucked inside. When that happens it’s like there’s a party going on in my mailbox, complete with streamers and confetti. I enjoy those trips to the mailbox. (I could do a better job at sending a party into someone else’s mailbox.)

But, you know? There’s mail that’s available to us every day, that believe it or not, is better than what we receive in our mailboxes. Filled with letters of love, hope, and encouragement. There’s words of direction, guidance, and instruction. And we’ll find just what we need to read when we need it.

Sounds like the best kind of mail, doesn’t it?

best-kind-of-mailIt gets even better. These words are written for us and to us from the One who loves us the most. Yes, you’ve guessed it. This mail is found in our Bibles.

All of Scripture is God-breathed; in its inspired voice, we hear useful teaching, rebuke, correction, instruction, and training for a life that is right so that God’s people may be up to the task ahead and have all they need to accomplish every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Let that sink in for just a minute. Isn’t it the coolest that each time we open up our Bibles we aren’t reading just any ordinary words? No, these are the very Words from our Creator, written to help us.

{Five minutes of writing ends here… but hang in with me as I finish.}

It’s the best mail to open daily.

And if I comprehended this truth, my Bible would be my go to mailbox. Hmmm… it might be time to realign my priorities (again).

Join me in opening up the best mail today, won’t you?





I’m joining in with the Five Minute Friday gang. Goodness, I love these people. I missed the party on Twitter last night (#fmfparty), but once I read the prompt of MAIL from Kate, I knew I wanted to squeeze in a post. We free-write for five minutes on a one-word prompt, and yes, I went over tonight. Thanks for extending to me some grace!

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  1. Marisa

    Fun to think of the Bible as mail from God Himself, especially when we begin to consider the “letters’ of the New Testament, often sent from jail cells etc to people who needed to learn about Christ and the truth! Amazing how those same “letters” are still reaching our inboxes all these years later!!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Marisa! Great thoughts… written in jail, etc. to people who needed to learn about Christ and the truth. Maybe I need to write more letters. Glad we have our blogs to do that in a similar way. Bless you, friend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, absolutely! Thanks, Andrew, for coming by. Keep on keeping on!

  2. Tara L Ulrich

    The Bible as our love letter….yes! Loved this post. I love receiving fun mail too. I’m in the 50 spot this week.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Tara! Thanks for stopping in. Yes, fun mail is one of my favorites. Glad we have our blogs and comments to each other… they are like mail too!


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