109. How to Succeed at Something Difficult

109. How to Succeed at Something Difficult

When was the last time you stepped out of what’s comfortable to do something maybe you had never done before or to do something you’ve always wanted to do? Is there something on your heart or something deep down you secretly want to try, but you think it...
107. The Unexpected Gift of Starting Over

107. The Unexpected Gift of Starting Over

How do you view starting over? Do you see it as a failure or as a result of failure or as a new beginning? Is it something positive or negative in your mind? Well, this is a season in which I believe many of us might find ourselves starting over or we might know...
106. When I Make Life All About Me

106. When I Make Life All About Me

A sentence has been ruminating in my brain for the last few weeks. So much so, I made it the title of this episode. What do you think? Is life really all about us? Are we the center of attention in our lives-and are we supposed to be? Is it all about our goals, our...

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