114. The Heart Behind Right Now Matters

114. The Heart Behind Right Now Matters

You may or may not know I have written a book. One week from today, Right Now Matters: Empowering Right Now Women in a Culture of Distraction releases into the world, and today I’m sharing the heart behind Right Now Matters.. Let me tell you, friend, I’m...
113. When Good Is The Enemy Of Great

113. When Good Is The Enemy Of Great

Daily we make numerous decisions, some to do good things, and others to do great things. And sometimes we don’t know the difference until we make the decision, am I right? Well, today in this episode we’re discussing this and how this might look in our...
112. Living Above the Noise with Terry Covey

112. Living Above the Noise with Terry Covey

This world is noisy isn’t it? How well are we doing at living above the noise these days? Or are we becoming overloaded and overwhelmed from it? I know from experience how easily this can happen, but living above the noise is a refreshing and beautiful way to...
111. What We Are Really Doing When We Complain

111. What We Are Really Doing When We Complain

A few weeks ago the weather turned extremely warm here in eastern Iowa, like 98 degrees warm for days. Just in time for the first week of school. Me being a summer-loving girl, I didn’t mind the heat. But whether it was in person or through social media, I heard...

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