189. How to Find Peace in the Storms of Life

189. How to Find Peace in the Storms of Life

Plenty of people in my life right now are weathering storms. Not storms necessarily in the weather, but more physical, emotional, and spiritual storms. I’m guessing you have people in your life that are doing the same. And quite possibly, you could be one of...
187. On What Are You Building Your Life?

187. On What Are You Building Your Life?

What would happen if we built our homes on sand? We see what happens when we build sandcastles on the beach, don’t we? The waves crash in and they are washed out to sea. Not surprisingly, the same thing goes for our lives. On what re you building your life?...
185. What Is In Your Heart? Find Out Now

185. What Is In Your Heart? Find Out Now

Have you noticed we’ve had an underlying theme here lately? It’s been all about the heart. The first week’s episode was about why it’s not wise to follow your heart. Last week’s episode’s was on having a heart for God. In...

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