April 2014 – A Love Note to My Lefe’s

by | May 3, 2014 | This Lefe Family

April 2014 Collage

To my Lefe’s:

I love you.

Looking at the photos above, I’m reminded how April was a full month for our family. We have much to be thankful for!

Liss, you’re growing up to be such a beautiful woman on the inside and out. It’s hard to believe you’re going to be 20 this month! I am proud of the woman you are and who you are becoming. You’ve demonstrated maturity, responsibility, and wisdom. Thank you for attending BSF faithfully with me this year. You made my Wednesday mornings and lunchtimes something to look forward to. I’m going to miss this these next few months. Finish this semester strong, smart girl. God is blessing you in so many ways. I’m glad I get to have a ring-side seat for it all. Your momma loves you!

Z-Man, you will always be my “little” boy. April was such a busy month for you. Show choir ending with Curtain Call, soccer games in full swing, prom, school work, and your active social schedule. I couldn’t be more proud of you for how you are balancing everything. I love watching you perform on stage, on the field, and in life. God has blessed you with wonderful talents and abilities, and you are using them well! You are responsible, caring, smart, and trustworthy. Keep doing your best and finish this school year strong. I’m cheering you on, every step of the way. I love you!

Bill, you amaze me. What you do for our family, and how you show us love are incredible gifts. You provide for our family in so many ways. Often you’re tired and worn out, but you never complain. You give of yourself daily to me, to the kids, to everyone around you. You’ve supported me and encouraged me more than anyone else through this transition in my life. You let me be me, and you allow God to mold me into the woman He desires me to be. God knew what He was doing when He brought you into my life 23 years ago in April. I thank God every day for you! I love you dearly!

Already three days into this month of May, I know we’ll be creating more beautiful memories together. And I can’t wait. You three are my world. Let’s make May 2014 one of our best months ever together!

(A & Z, please continue to make smart choices. Please continue to seek God daily and His will for your lives. Please continue to hold true to your roots. Please don’t text and drive. Please continue to do your best in all areas of your life. Your momma is praying for you daily!)

I love you!

Your Mom and Wife 🙂

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  1. Abby

    What a beautiful note to your family. You’ve inspired me to journal more of the things going on in my kids lives so I will remember those moments. Time moves so fast! Lovely looking family.

    • Julie

      Thank you, Abby! I wish I would have begun doing more of this when our children were little. Time seems to be moving quicker than ever in my life, and probably yours too. I’m glad this inspired you. I appreciate you stopping by today!


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