Our school district made some changes this year in staggering our starting and ending times of the school day. Zach’s building starts one hour earlier than Ali’s, and then also gets out one hour earlier as well. His classes begin a half-hour earlier than last year, which means we need to leave our home a half-hour earlier, which also means I need to be ready for my day a half-hour earlier. Having to get in the shower at 5:30 has forced me to get up at 4:30, if I’m going to have my morning “quiet time.” Two days of this morning schedule has not become normal for me yet. 🙂
Ali is not thrilled with having to get up and leave home earlier, when she really could sleep in an extra hour, which most of her friends are doing. But since she’s not driving yet, her only way to school is by me. We have had a couple of nice mornings together though, waiting in the high school parking lot until she walks into the building.
Ali has volleyball practice each day after school from 4:15-6:45. On friday mornings practice is at 6:30 (we leave our home at 5:50 so she has time to warm up).
Zach has decided to go out for 7th grade football which begins next week. He will practice after school as well.
Mondays and Thursdays he already has soccer club practice from 5-6:30 p.m. He is going to be one busy (and possibly tired) boy! The “Lefebure taxis” will be on the road more than before…it’s no wonder why my car has as many miles on it as it does!
Ali also made it into show choir which has extra practices outside of school…schedule unknown yet, and Zach has the opportunity to be in an honor choir, which also has extra practices.
I will be putting in more hours at Mission of Hope during the week, as well as keeping up our home and continuing to work my business. A few other things I have been asked to do have had to be put on hold until I see how I am going to manage this new schedule. I am very thankful for Bill’s and his schedule, and for how he helps me from becoming overwhelmed when it begins to feel like life is spinning out of control! He has a way of
knowing the perfect time to step in and take over. 🙂
I am very thankful God has gifted both Ali and Zach in the ways He has! I pray He gives me peace, patience and His grace in this very full fall schedule! 🙂 Believe me, I will be praying for that daily!