I was reminded again this week just how busy the month of May is for our family. As school comes to an end for the year for Ali and Zach this week, I’m hoping life will slow down to a more moderate pace for us. I am thrilled to be as involved as I am in Ali’s & Zach’s lives, and I’m just as thrilled that they are involved in all they are. I am thankful God gifted them in the ways He has, and I’m thankful He has equipped them to use those talents and gifts. One reason I began this blog was to be able to have an opportunity to share their gifts with others, and to give Ali & Zach the gift of someday looking back at these posts with fond memories. I think often if Mom would have written down the many life events that took place in her life and in our family’s life, how blessed I would be to read them today. 🙂
Ali had her last choir concert for the year on Monday. It was a wonderful concert! Ali loves to sing! The Seniors were recognized and honored…it’s hard to believe that Ali will be a Senior next year!
Tuesday was Ali’s 17th birthday. I wrote a post about it on the 24th. It was fun day for us and for her!

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