Yesterday Ali and Zach had the day off from school (a schedule day off, not a snow day this time), so I took the day completely off from work. What a great day we had! (They also have Monday off, which makes for a nice four day weekend!)
We took off in the morning for the Driver’s Licence place (I can never remember the proper name) to get Ali her school driver’s permit. She was so excited and had been waiting to do this for some time now. Each time we had planned to do it, it either snowed or was icy outside. Her high school asks for each student to drive with someone from the department of transportation to qualify to get a school permit, so we wanted to make sure the roads were in good shape for her to comfortably do so. She did great yesterday, and finally did get to pick up her school permit! I am so proud of her, yet so nervous for when the day comes she’ll be off driving on her own. (She needs to get a little more familiar with the car she’ll be driving before that happens though.)
We celebrated with lunch at The Pizza Ranch! I hadn’t been there in years, and the food was so good! We ate more than we should have, but it was so yummy!
We then took a trip to the cellular phone store. I told Ali and Zach we would check to see if they were up for new phones yet…and they were! They each had been wanting a new phone for awhile, and they were pretty excited to find out they could get new ones yesterday! They each picked out the phone they wanted, and the one that Ali wanted, it was on a buy one get one free special…so a bonus…I got a new phone too! (I didn’t really need one, but I sure like it!) Now the hard part…getting used to a new phone!
We ended the day with hanging out at home, and doing Ali’s hair again in hot rollers for her show choir competition today. I enjoyed the time with Ali and Zach so much! What great kids they are, and how much fun we had! 🙂
I’m now off to enjoy the day with Bill and Zach, as Ali is away at her competition. Have a wonderful weekend!

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