A Frustrating Day!

by | Feb 6, 2009 | frustration, God

I’ve arrived home this afternoon feeling very frustrated! Today was a frustrating day for me…may I tell you why?

1. I didn’t sleep well last night, so I woke up feeling tired this morning.
2. I woke up late, which meant everyone else was behind schedule.
3. Nothing seemed to go right this morning.
4. On Wednesday, someone hacked into our bank’s debit card system, so my debit card is out of commission and will be for 7-14 days until a new one arrives. A hassle as I was getting gas today.
5. I went to visit Steve in the hospital. He was getting a treatment done, so I wasn’t able to see him.
6. My brakes began making an awful noise after leaving the hospital…30 some miles away. I called my brother who informed me my brakes were probably shot and I should drive as little as possible the rest of the day.
7. I had to cancel a color clinic I was doing tonight due to the fact that my brakes are shot and Bill would need to fix them tonight. My customer seemed upset with me and wouldn’t commit to rescheduling.
8. Steve called me a few minutes ago. I immediately knew he was not himself. He told me he’s lost sight in his left eye. He can no longer read. He’s frustrated, he was crying on the phone, and I felt like I needed to be there. (I can’t because of my stupid brakes!) All I could do was encourage him, tell him I’m praying for him, and continue to remind him God is still in charge. I feel so helpless!
9. This week I found out that someone dear to me has breast cancer. That has been consuming my mind today.
10. I went to the doctor Tuesday and am being treated for an infection that is bothersome. That has bugged me today.

Can you see why I’m a little frustrated? Just when I begin to feel sorry for myself, my thoughts turn to my best friend Tina. I really have NOTHING to complain about in comparison. Tina would have EVERY right to complain, but she doesn’t.

1. She lost her home in June, and her and her family have lived the last almost eight months in a two-bedroom condo with her mom. Five people living in two bedrooms.
2. Tina and Mike have done most of the work restoring their home by themselves. They are exhausted and weary.
3. They’ve experienced many difficulties fixing their home, more than I even know about.
4. They’ve had issues with the car Mike’s father has let them borrow since their van died just before the flood hit.
5. When they started to pull their belongings out of storage to move back into their home, most of it was moldy. They had to disinfect everything, and buy a new mattress to replace their almost new mattress, which was in storage and was moldy also.
6. Tina’s father-in-law had open heart surgery last week.
7. Tina’s family has had other health issues going on within the last month
8. Tina was diagnosed with Shingles on Monday and is in much pain.
9. One or both of the girls have been home sick three days this week.
I know this list is just the major things that I can recall.

So, really, I have NOTHING to complain about.
Let’s turn this around…what good things happened today?

1. All of our family is healthy, except for my infection which is slowly getting better.
2. Even though I didn’t get much sleep, I’m thankful for my wonderful bed and our warm home.
3. The kids weren’t upset with me for waking them up later than normal.
4. We were still able to arrive at school on time this morning.
5. My car got me to and from the hospital, to and from school.
6. My brakes did not go completely out on me as I was driving down the road! That’s something to be thankful for!
7. My husband is going to fix the brakes tonight and knows how to do that stuff. I thank God that He has given Bill those talents!
8. I enjoyed a Peppermint Mocha with my Christmas Starbuck’s giftcard.
9. I still had money in my account, even though I couldn’t use my debit card. 🙂
10. Steve is still on this earth, and I can continue to encourage him. He can still see out of his right eye.
11. I’m thankful my brother was available to give me my brakes advice!
12. It was over 40 degrees outside today! 🙂 Snow is melting!
13. I sent an apology note to my customer for having to cancel her color clinic.
14. I can be a friend of support for the one who is dear to me who has breast cancer, and I can pray for her.
15. My children were happy to see me after school. 🙂
16. Since my evening became free, I’m now able to spend time with my family instead of working.
17. And the most important thing…

Thank you God for helping me turn my attitude around regarding this day!
Psalm 118:24 “This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!”
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Julie Lefebure
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It's a new week, with new mercies, with a new mindset.

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The enemy of our souls will sneakily pop thoughts into our minds that aren't true, and if we believe them, we end up living out that lie.

Yet, sometimes we can't tell the difference. Asking these 2 questions will help you discern what's true and what isn't. 

Give them a try today and listen to episode 188 of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast where we discuss this in detail.

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Adding this one sentence in my prayers has impacted them. It reminds me of Who I am praying to and just how much I believe He can and will answer accordingtohis will. It's prompted me to pray bolder prayers.

Give it a try today and see for yourself. 

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I'm @julielefebure, and I'm here to help you live the abundant life you were designed to live. Follow for more. 

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Today, we will come across people who are feeling unseen, unheard, not valued, uninvited, not welcomed, unimportant, not cherished, and unloved.

May you and I be the ones to help them feel the opposite: seen, heard, valued, invited, welcomed, important, cherished, and loved.

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Life is too important to waste it believing lies.

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Find out how to discern the difference in episode 188 of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast that dropped earlier today. 

Stay encouraged! 

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