A Difficult Decision

by | Nov 23, 2013 | personal journey, Serving

I have been putting off writing this post for a few days now. If you know me well, or if you’ve followed my blog for some time, you already know that I believe in living a life that’s real. I guess that may be why I share much of my life on this blog. I feel it’s important to be transparent in life, and I’ve seen how God has blessed me and blessed others through that transparency.

So in my attempts to be transparent or “real” once again, I write this post.

I wish I could share this personally with each of you, and I apologize that isn’t possible. But word is spreading quickly, and I wanted you to hear it from me first, before hearing it from someone else.

I have resigned my position as Supervisor at Mission of Hope.

Mission of Hope is such a precious place to my family and I. It’s been a part of our lives for the past thirteen or so years. I can hardly put into words how much this ministry means to us, but I’m going to try.

God has used Mission of Hope to bless our family in more ways than I can count. It’s been our place to worship God. It’s been my family’s “church.” Our children have been raised in Mission of Hope’s environment of unconditional love. They’ve seen the ramifications of bad choices and addictions, and I believe they’ve been able to experience more than most kids at their ages, just by watching how others live their lives there. They’ve grown up in “Children’s Church,” and have deep roots of faith planted in them through that precious part of this ministry. They’ve been given a solid foundation through Mission of Hope, for which I will forever be grateful. And they’ve watched their parents love those who may be considered the least, the last and the lost.

God has also used Mission of Hope to change my heart. I once had a calloused and cold heart toward those who were different than me, especially those whom I would see lining the streets of First Avenue. I used to think, “They just need to get a job!” But from my very first day of interacting with these people, I fell in love with them, and my heart began to change. God gave me an amazing, unconditional love for them. And I was privileged to learn unconditional love from the one whom I saw live it throughout her life–Rev. Barb Furman. The love of Jesus changes people, and I’ve witnessed that firsthand. God also taught me that even though these people were different than me, He loves them just as much as He loves me.

God has grown our faith through Mission of Hope. He’s shown us He can handle anything and everything, and He’s proven He is faithful. I’ve watched Him answer prayers, transform lives, work out situations that only He could do, provide exactly what was needed, heal those suffering from addictions, and give hope to all. He’s taught us much more than I’m sure we even realize now.

I cherish that Mission of Hope has been the place where our family has served together. The place where Bill and I have been able to minister as a couple together. The place where Pastor Barb renewed our wedding vows last year. The place where God has brought incredible people in our lives. The place where we’ve been able to see God work in a mighty way, and the place I will forever be thankful for.

This has been a difficult decision for me and for our family, but I am confident that God has shown me it’s time for me to move on. It’s time for me to step out in obedience once again to what He might have for me, and what He might have for our family next. I’ve offered to stay through Mission of Hope’s annual Christmas Giveaway, and to honor the commitments I’ve made through that.

You soon might hear also that Tina, Mission of Hope’s Executive Director, and my best friend, is leaving Mission of Hope as well.

I thank you for your support of me during my years at Mission of Hope, and I thank you for any way you’ve given to this ministry…through prayers, time, gifts, and talents. The lives of many have been changed by your giving. I pray for God’s continued fulfillment of His purpose and plan for Mission of Hope. May He continue to be glorified through it all.

God bless you, and God bless Mission of Hope.

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