Ever capture a day in photos?
I did yesterday, and I’m so glad I did! The simple things in life can sometimes bring the most joy.
Some day my children, and possibly future grandchildren, might appreciate looking back at Mom’s/Grandma’s daily life. That’s the reason I began this blog seven years ago.
These photos, to me, are too important not to share.
And the cool thing is, I can see God’s fingerprints in each one of them. Let me show you…
I woke up yesterday morning to this breathtaking sight in the east…
I’m in awe how God continues to reveal His love for us through His creation.
We sang a hymn at BSF I don’t ever remember singing before (a blog post will come later regarding this beautiful hymn)…
God spoke to my heart through these words. He will take care of me.
And then, possibly the most beautiful sight yesterday came through my Instagram feed. It was a photo posted by my son’s sweet girlfriend, taken by a local sports reporter after her team’s big volleyball win Tuesday night.
I screenshot it from my phone, so it’s not as clear as I would like, but here my son and his girlfriend embrace after her game. it oozes with love and encouragement, and completely made my day.
And to top everything off, this is what God showed me in the west at the end of the day.
Really, God? How do you keep doing it? Why do you? You continue to bless me and encourage me throughout my days. Through simple things I used to take for granted. Thank you for waking me up to the simple things in life. Thank you for showing your love for me through your creation. Thank you for never giving up on me. Please continue to reveal yourself through my days. I love it when you do! And thank you for allowing me to share it here.
If you have a camera with you today, I encourage you to capture one thing that blesses you in a photo today. One thing. You’ll have it to be a reminder of just how much God loves you.
Have a blessed day, my friend!

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I took a picture of my daughters bedroom floor yesterday. She had 12!!! pairs of shoes out. Flip flops, tennis shoes, running shoes, soccer cleats, slides, flats, deck shoes, slippers… She is usually neat and organized so this was funny to me and I wanted the precious memory.
I love it, Kim! Great memory to capture! Those moments are precious and priceless!! Thanks for sharing. Blessings!
How neat…
Just a few hours ago I was taking pictures of my sunflower garden and noticed how the sunflowers were all looking toward the sun which reminded me that I should also keep my eyes on the “Son.” Then I took a picture of my husbands hands while he worked intently on a project and willingly makes provision for our home.
I love taking pictures like you have shown here Julie. I just wish they could truly catch the sweet emotions of the moments.
Counting the “photogenic blessings” for sure!
Smiles, BRC
How wonderful, Beth! I’d love to see those photos sometime. Great perspective with the sunflowers facing the sun and how we should keep our eyes on the Son. That sounds like a great blog post to me! 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Beth. It’s always a joy to have you here!
I love taking photos of the unexpected beauty that appears in our days. Your sunrise and sunset are absolutely breathtaking. What a treasure! You are right about God-He lives for blessing and encouraging us each day. We just need to open our eyes to the wonder. Thank you for sharing your day. I know I’ll be looking for some God shots tomorrow!
Hi Mary! It was a joy to connect with you on last evening at #fmfparty! Thanks for sharing here. You’re right… I wonder how many times my eyes haven’t been opened to the wonder! Have a great Friday, friend! I sure appreciate you!
Seriously some gorgeous photos! WOW!
Thanks, Barbie. And the camera never does the scenes justice!