As a child, my parents always made my birthday special. With it being the day after Christmas, they still always celebrated my birthday separately. I never received a birthday gift from them in Christmas wrapping…the gifts were always in birthday wrapping. I never received a “combined Christmas and birthday” gift–ever. Mom would make my meal of choice (most always it was her homemade spaghetti with minced meat pie for dessert). Mom and dad made a big deal of birthdays, and I guess that’s why I still do today.
I know many people who want to forget their birthdays or who want to not make a big deal of birthdays…but not me. I LOVE to celebrate them…namely because that’s the day God chose for each of us to be born on this earth for His purpose. It’s the day that’s very special to me…I thank God, especially on my birthday, for bringing me into this world, and for choosing me to be one of His.
God truly blessed me on my birthday yesterday in so many ways!
It was my turn to facilitate the Mission of Hope’s Worship Service yesterday morning. Our praise team, The Ragamuffins–which I am a part of–led worship. As I welcomed everyone and wished the congregation a Merry Christmas, Carol, a friend of the Mission (who surprised me with a birthday gift when I arrived) said out loud, “Happy Birthday, Julie!” Tim, our worship leader led everyone in singing me “Happy Birthday,” which made me smile. 🙂 It was awesome to sing praises to our Lord and give Him the glory so publicly on my birthday as we led worship. Tina, my life-long best friend gave the message. What a special blessing it was to hear her share about God, what He’s doing at Mission of Hope and in her life. God’s glory shined through her!
We came home for a few hours, opened birthday presents here, watched some football, and I took a power nap in the recliner. 🙂
Last night we joined family and friends at Leonardo’s for a nice meal to celebrate my birthday. Bill arranged it, as he knows my favorite part of my birthday is spending it with the people in my life who I love and who mean so much to me. It was a terrific time together with lots of laughs and fun!
To top the day off, we drove around to see Christmas lights on the way home. How beautiful many houses were decorated! When we arrived home, I found many birthday wishes on my Facebook wall from my friends and family!
What a joy-filled birthday it was…the whole day was a blessing! It was perfect. God has placed so many wonderful people in my life, and I am so very thankful for each of them. I have the greatest family and friends! And my God loves me…He showed me that all day long! It was a birthday I will cherish forever!

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