Disappointment & Thankfulness

by | May 11, 2011 | This Lefe Family

Last night as Ali became very sick, I knew today was going to be different than I planned for it to be.  I’ve never seen her so sick…her head throbbing, aching arms, stiff neck, a fever and tingling feet.  I felt so bad for her…and was thinking we might need to make a run to the E.R.  But she fell asleep and slept for about 10 hours until this morning.

Zach headed off to camp this morning to be a counselor for Outdoor Education Week.  It’s for 7th graders, but Zach was asked as an 8th grader, to be a counselor today through Friday.  I got him and his buddy Alex to school early before the 7th graders were to arrive.  They were both excited to go, and I was happy that they each had this opportunity for the next few days.  I miss him tonight. 🙁

For months and weeks I was looking forward to Sharing Day at BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) today…it’s always the last day of BSF.  It’s a morning where anyone who wants to can share what God places on her heart about our study, what she’s learned or what God has done in her life through the year.  It’s a joyous, and blessed morning!  And God gets all the glory!

I was so sad to have to miss Sharing Day today, but I knew my girl needed me at home.  She was so sick, and I wouldn’t have wanted to be anywhere else. 

I did drive into Mission of Hope to lead the Wednesday noon Bible study, but left immediately after to come back home and to take Ali to the doctor.  Her symptoms scared me…my mind raced from meningitis to a brain aneurysm.  (Two people in our lives have died from brain aneurysms in the last couple of years.)  It’s pretty scary stuff.  I prayed during the entire examination.  After a couple of tests, the doctor determined Ali has strep throat.  But the weird thing is, Ali doesn’t have a sore throat!  Then I got to thinking, I haven’t been that diligent about washing my hands around her, etc.  I sure hope I don’t get it, especially after being sick all week but one day last week!  I am praying God protects my health!

We picked up a prescription for Ali, picked up some dinner–she only had two pop tarts all day to eat, and we headed home.  She’s been in bed since.

And now, I’m wiped out.  I think I myself could go to bed and sleep until tomorrow morning.  But I still need to get my workout in, and I still “need” to watch American Idol.  Then, I can go to bed. 

I’m thankful Ali isn’t sicker than she already is.  I’m thankful that it’s strep and not something even more serious.  I’m thankful I was able to stay home with her today.  I’m thankful my hubby is home with me.  I’m thankful Zach is off to camp having a good time.  I’m thankful God heard and answered my prayers and my friends’ prayers today regarding Ali! 

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