The Journey Continues

by | Jan 6, 2014 | personal journey, This Lefe Family

It’s been quite the weekend for us.

Alissa got her wisdom teeth taken out on Friday. She’s been home ever since. It’s been great to have her here, and I’ve enjoyed being her nurse.

All four of us have been home most of the weekend, experiencing much rest and relaxation.

We watched and cheered on our Colts yesterday as they had an amazing comeback against the Chiefs. Our home was pretty loud! They move on to the next round in the playoffs next Sunday.

We brought our “farm” cats in the garage last night because of the frigid temperatures outside. They are warm on fleece and under a lamp. It does my heart good knowing they are warm and safe.

God has confirmed for me again and again, this weekend alone, that I’m where He wants me. I am thankful and at peace.

I also received a special gift yesterday afternoon…a phone call from an unknown number. The voice on the other end was that of a friend who frequented the Mission. My heart leaped.

I had written about this man many times before in my Mission Tuesday posts. God had given me a special care and concern for him. After I made the decision to leave the Mission, I never saw him again and was never able to say goodbye, let alone tell him I was leaving. I walked out on my last day with a burden on my heart because of that. I had written him a note which contained my phone number, and I prayed that he would eventually come in to the Mission and that the note would be given to him.

Now, I don’t normally give out my personal phone number. Actually, I don’t give it out at all. But I knew I was supposed to give it to him. And I knew Bill agreed with me in doing so. He has a heart for this friend like I do.

My friend and I talked for over 30 minutes…and it did my heart good to catch up with him. We agreed to meet for coffee this coming week. And I look forward to that as well. God has not removed him from my life…this must be for a reason, and I intend to continue to be sensitive to God’s leading as I walk this out.

And for those who read this and question, “She’s meeting another man for coffee?!!”, well, it’s not like that. I consider this man like a brother, and I believe he considers me like a sister. There’s been a handful of people God has brought into our family’s life to minister to, and he’s one of them. When I got off the phone yesterday, as tears filled my eyes, I told Alissa who I was talking to. She lit up like I did when I heard his voice. He’s pretty special to all four of us.

God is showing me He’s got more for me to do. It may look different than ever before, but I see He’s certainly not done with me. I look forward to continuing on with this journey with Him. 🙂

God bless you on your journey as well, friends!

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