A Changed Heart

by | Jun 29, 2012 | goals, God's blessings, me, summer, thankfulness

Each year during the last week of June I’m reminded how different my life is now compared to how it used to be.

For years in my Mary Kay career, June was the busiest month of the year for me. Mary Kay’s fiscal year–and also what’s called Seminar year–ends on June 30. Everything else stopped in June so I could work to make my goal. It was usually a stressful month for me. And as I thought about it today, I usually dreaded the month of June. How sad…to dread an entire month each year! But that was me and that’s what I did.

We could never take vacation in June as a family. No, I was adamant about that. Yes, oftentimes I made my goal, and some years I didn’t. But these goals I had were all for me and for our family…having to do with monetary amounts and earning “stuff” like diamond rings, cars, prizes, etc. I look back now and see just what an empty life I lived. Interesting…those diamond rings sit in my jewelry chest. I never wear them anymore.

Now don’t get me wrong. Mary Kay is a wonderful company. I love the philosophy of the company and the values of it. I absolutely love the products. And I love the career opportunity, as I have grown so much in all areas of my life because of Mary Kay. But I abused what I had. I let the “stuff” take my focus off of what’s really important…loving God and loving others. I lived for the next prize, the next material thing I could earn. I didn’t live for God, even though I professed in doing so.

God got my attention a few years ago and I was humbled. He changed my heart over time. He showed me a new way to live…a life devoted to Him and a life devoted to doing what He wanted me to do…to follow a calling He had placed on my life. Many of my Mary Kay friends don’t understand this change in me, and that’s ok. Looking from the outside in, I guess it doesnt’ make sense. God has held my directorship intact, and He continues to bless my Mary Kay business. I don’t find it necessary to “follow the crowd” anymore. I’m just focused on following Him.

My status on facebook today stated that I found it funny that on June 27 years ago I would have been asking for help in reaching a personal career goal, and yet yesterday I asked for help through facebook for the hurting, the homeless and the hungry for our Food Pantry at Mission of Hope. God has really changed my heart. I am so thankful for that.

I see that God has used everything in my life to get me to where I am now. The things I’ve learned through my Mary Kay business and directorship. The ways I’ve been humbled. The lessons I’ve learned. The mistakes I’ve made. The communication skills I’ve been taught. The list goes on…

I also see that I have not “arrived.” I have much yet to learn. And I look forward with anticipation to where God is taking me in the future. I’m very thankful I’m not the woman I used to be, and I’m excited about becoming the woman He wants me to be!

God has changed my heart. How very grateful I am for that today!

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