It’s an exciting day around here! I’m so glad you are here to participate in the fun! Today, my first book, Right Now Matters: Empowering Right-Now Women in a Culture of Distraction releases into the world, and let me tell you, I’m feeling all the feels! Mainly excitement, but if I can be completely honest with you, I’m also I feeling very vulnerable as my personal stories and the intimate workings of God in my life are open for all to read through this book. I pray God uses the words He gave me in Right Now Matters to empower women to walk away from the distracted lives we’re living and to draw near to Him in the process! So, thank you for celebrating with me the launch of Right Now Matters!

Last week I sat down with my wonderful friend Deb Ballard, and we talked all the things about Right Now Matters. Deb has walked the entire writing journey with me, and she knows this book inside and out because she lived much of it with me. I’m sharing that conversation in this episode. We had such an uplifting time together! It’s too long for one episode, so this week is Part 1 and next week we’ll continue with Part 2. I pray you are blessed, encouraged, and inspired as you hear some of the behind-the-scenes testimony of how Right Now Matters came to be. May God use this conversation to spur you on in your own life as well.
We’re celebrating the launch of Right Now Matters!
We talk about how I began writing, this book journey, and how God has taken me through it. We also laugh a lot and share some fun moments.
Click on the player above to listen to the full 33-minute episode. (Guest episodes are longer than my solo episodes.)
Goodness, I loved this conversation with Deb. If you’re interested in reading Right Now Matters, you can find it currently on Amazon and Barnes & Noble and through These links are in the show notes. Also if you found encouragement and hope through this episode today, would you please leave a rating and or review from where you’re listening today? This helps others find this encouragement too.
God has good plans for your life, friend.
Living distracted isn’t one of them. I invite you to tune in next week for Part 2. Thanks for celebrating with me! I appreciate you. God bless you!
Links in this episode:
- Find Right Now Matters on Amazon
- Find Right Now Matters on Barnes & Noble
- Check out the fun and freebies at
- Join the private Encouragement for Real Life Community on Facebook
- Access my Free Encouragement Resources (lockscreens, printables, bookmarks, fun stuff) just for you!