114. The Heart Behind Right Now Matters

by | Oct 10, 2023 | Podcast

You may or may not know I have written a book. One week from today, Right Now Matters: Empowering Right Now Women in a Culture of Distraction releases into the world, and today I’m sharing the heart behind Right Now Matters.. Let me tell you, friend, I’m feeling all the feels today… nervousness, excitement, hope, joy, and even a little apprehension. I’ve been sharing my words in the online world for many years, but for some reason, them being in a book feels so much bigger and different to me.

The Heart Behind Right Now Matters | Right Now Matters books standing up on table in a coffee shop

It’s hard for me to believe, quite honestly, that God would use someone like me to deliver this message of hope through Right Now Matters. But I guess, as I think about it today, He’s always used people like me to do His work. Imperfect, unqualified, once-lost-but-now-found, stretched-beyond-what’s-comfortable, who-don’t-have-it-all-together kind of people.

May this encourage you and remind you right out of the gate. God uses ordinary people like me and you to do things we never thought we could do. For our growth, for the good of others, and for His glory. God has good plans for your life, friend, and He wants to use you in powerful and magnificent ways. What is God calling you to do today, friend, and how open is your heart to His calling?

So, how did Right Now Matters come to be?

What is the heart of Right Now Matters, anyway? This book is the book I wish I had a number of years ago. I was searching for help in how to live an undistracted life. One life-altering moment I share in the Introduction woke me up the the reality I was living. I wish I could describe for you the distracted life I was living back then. But maybe you kinda know, because maybe you’re living a similar one now. I hope not, but if that’s the case, you have hope! This is the basis of Right Now Matters.

Through numerous attempts and failures, I came up with a tool box of sorts that I used to keep me present and help me overcome the distractions that plagued me daily. God helped me trade the life of discontent and discouragement because of distracted living for a life of hope and joy. And if He did this for me, He can do this for you. This is the heart behind Right Now Matters. This is why Right Now Matters exists.

And because God prompted me to write this book.

The heart behind Right Now Matters is this: to help women like me and you to live the abundant lives Jesus came to give us.

Click on the player above to listen to the full 15-minute episode.

If you’re interested in checking it out, you can find more at rightnowmatters.com. The link is in the show notes, and you’ll be able to find it on Amazon, and Barnes & Noble. Thanks for sharing in my joy and the heart behind Right Now Matters!

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 114, The Heart Behind Right Now Matters
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1 Comment

  1. Lori

    I am beyond excited for your book to reach the hands of many women. Even though I have read it, I canโ€™t wait to actually hold the book in my hands.


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