111. What We Are Really Doing When We Complain

by | Sep 19, 2023 | Podcast

A few weeks ago the weather turned extremely warm here in eastern Iowa, like 98 degrees warm for days. Just in time for the first week of school. Me being a summer-loving girl, I didn’t mind the heat. But whether it was in person or through social media, I heard and saw numerous people complaining about the heat. The complaining really began to bother me, and it got me thinking. What are we really doing when we complain?

What We Are Really Doing When We Complain | woman with head in hands frustrated facing her laptop

Her words on her social media post said it all, “I hate this weather!” I guess I feel the same about winter, but last year Jennifer Dukes Lee, a self-declared winter evangelist and fellow Iowan, helped me see another side of winter I was missing. She helped me view winter as a gift. Even though Iowa winters can be brutal.

Complaining about it doesn’t help anyone feel better about it.

Isn’t that with anything in life?

I can’t think of a single instance where complaining helped someone feel better about something–anything! Complaining makes us feel worse. It is discouraging, disparaging, and down-right damaging. I’m not sure there’s anything that can change a mood faster than complaining.

Don’t get me wrong. I can complain with the best of them. But I’m learning not to. I’ve been asking God for some time now to keep be from complaining. To help me be grateful in all circumstances and to look for the good. So often, however, it’s easier for me to see the things that aren’t so good. Is this the same for you?

I’m reminded today of a group in the Bible who grumbled.

Maybe you’re thinking of this too.

The account of this group of people gives us insight on what we are really doing when we complain. I also share the Bible verse that has the answer to overcoming complaining.

Click on the player above for the full 13-minute episode.

Complaining is not good for us and it doesn’t honor God.

No matter if it’s the weather, or the price of groceries, or how we’re treated, or not getting enough sleep at night let’s stop the complaining. Let’s look for the good instead. And let’s help each other learn this new way of living.

Next time may we remember what we’re really doing when we complain.

In closing, friend, gratefulness is our calling. Not grumbling. Praising is our joy, not complaining. For what can you and I praise and thank God for today? Let’s do that, instead. I’m with you in this. God bless you!

Links in this episode:

Encouragement for Real Life Podcast, Episode 111, What We Are Really Doing When We Complain
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