I’m thrilled we get to journey together here today. Speaking of journey, one year ago today, on August 9, 2021, I hit publish on the first official episode of the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast. What a journey it has been! So, it’s fitting that today we celebrate the podcast’s one year anniversary (or birthday)! Come celebrate with me!

Cue the confetti! Ready the sprinkles! Strategically place the balloons!
Please celebrate with me!
I’m celebrating one year of the podcast today!
And it all began at last summer’s Northwestern Christian Writers Conference when the idea of starting a podcast popped into my head. If you know me, you know once I have an idea, I tend to run with it. So, it was no surprise I came home from the conference, and three weeks later the Encouragement for Real Life Podcast was born!
That all sounds simple, doesn’t it?
But quite honestly, it wasn’t. Because I had no idea how to launch a podcast. And I had no idea how to go about getting it to where it needed to go so others could listen to it. My biggest obstacle, however, wasn’t any of that. It was my fear. Friend, I was scared. I was scared to try to something new. I was scared to step out of what was comfortable for me.
After all, what if I failed? What if the podcast failed?
Ever feel something similar? Are you ever scared to try something new, too? Are you hesitant to step out because you don’t know what you’re doing?
Good thing God knew what He was doing. I felt He was leading me in this. So I just took the next step. And then the next one. And the next one.
You know? We can do anything when we partner with God!
What’s the thing you’re scared to do?
Is it to start your own podcast? Or begin a business?
Is it to go back to school? Or apply for that job?
Is it to quit the job or follow your dream?
Friend, I encourage you to pray about it, then take the next step. Partner with God in whatever it is and see how He leads you.
Because sometimes the blessings come from what once scared us.
Even though a year ago I really didn’t know what I was doing, I was eager to learn.
I fell in love with podcasting along the way.
And I share in this episode how I almost quit around episode 14, why I didn’t, and what’s in store for the future. I also invite you to celebrate with me in three fun and simple ways.
Click on the player above to listen to the 14-minute episode.
Thank you for celebrating with me today. Celebrating one year with you makes this day extra-special. God bless you!
Links in this episode:
Why a Podcast?, Episode 1
Jack Butcher quote on Twitter
When Letting Go Is Best, but Not Easy, Episode 7
Now Is Not the Time to Give Up, Episode 15
How to Be a Positive Person in a Negative World, Episode 9
If God Is Not in a Hurry, Why Are We?, Episode 12
What in the World Are We Thinking?, Episode 39
Life Is One Big Adventure With God, Episode 45
Life Is Too Important to Live Distracted, Episode 52
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