When All We Can Do Is Trust God

by | Jan 18, 2019 | Love God

As she hesitantly shared, the tears began to flow. She did all she could to stop them, but being bottled up for so long, the tears needed a way of escape. Finally free, they cascaded down her cheeks and splattered on the table between us.

Shock. Sadness. Disbelief. How could this be happening? My friend didn’t understand and was terrified of the unknown. Facing an unfamiliar situation she felt she was in uncharted territory. The only thing she knew to do was to remember what she did know. She remembered God.

She remembered God’s faithfulness, care, and love.

God had not forgotten her in prior hard times and situations, He certainly wouldn’t abandon her now. Because she saw His care and love to her in the past, she could trust God would care for her and show His love again in this heartache.

I remember what the Lord did; I remember the miracles you did long ago. I think about all the things you did and consider your deeds. God, your ways are holy. No god is as great as our God. You are the God who does miracles; you have shown people your power.

Psalm 77:11-14 NCV

My friend was absolutely right. Even though life felt like it was shifting and changing, God was not.

As her heart poured forth through her words, I sat across from her in awe of her wisdom, her faith, and her trust. Her tears were cleansing, and it was as if when each one fell, God was growing her trust and faith, right before my eyes. She couldn’t do much in that moment, but one thing she could do was most important. She could trust God.

Sometimes all we can do is trust God.

Sometimes all we can do is trust God.

When life goes awry, or takes an unexpected detour, we feel so out of control, don’t we? The thing is, in those moments we can trust God, because He has it all under control. We can take to heart His promises of never leaving us, of always being with us, of how His plans are good for us. Even when we don’t see them or feel them in the moment.

Sometimes all we can do is trust God… and that may be the best thing of all.

Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track

Proverbs 3:5-6 Message

We don’t have to have the answers.

Friend, you and I don’t have to have it all figured out. We can leave that up to God. Let’s begin by remembering what God has done in the past, and then standing on His promises. We can rest in His plans, His purposes, in His faithfulness, care and love. Like my friend, even when the tears come, we can trust it’s all going to be okay.

As my friend continues to walk through this situation, and as maybe you and I are walking through our own, God walks with us. May we trust Him as we walk. Trust He will work it all out for good. Because friend, He will.

How can you trust God and rest in His love and care for you today?

Much love,

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  1. Cindy

    I have a small prayer journal. I like to go back and circle the prayers of the past that God has answered in some way. It helps me to see that time and time again He faithfully handled each situation. Going through my journal also reminds me of the places He’s still at work and renews my confidence that He is in control of each one!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Cindy, I love this idea of your prayer journal! What a powerful visual of God’s answering of prayer! Thank you for this. Love it!


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