Ahhh, summer. It’s my favorite. There’s just something about the season that rejuvenates me. Sure, there’s an aspect I enjoy about each season, but summer puts a lift in my step and it lightens my heart.
Yes, the calendar says summer hasn’t arrived yet, but in my mind summer began on Memorial Day, last Monday, and ends on Labor Day in September.
That means I’ve got 98 days between these two holidays to soak up the sun, to embrace summer adventures, and to admire God’s creation in bloom outdoors.
It means I’ve got 98 days to do the activities I can’t in the winter months such as peddling with my husband on our tandem bicycle, and enjoying the sights and sounds of ball games, beaches, and outdoor concerts.
I’ve got 98 days to eat as many meals as I can outdoors (also a favorite!), to enjoy my morning coffee on our deck as often as possible, and to even stop at the ice cream shop every now and then to splurge.
These 98 days are going to go fast.
And actually, a week of days has already passed me.
I want these days to be about living and thriving. To be about growing and learning and becoming the person God wants me to be. Yet, I long for them to also be about rest, rejuvenation, and embracing a slower pace. To make room for quiet, solitude, and times of stillness.
What I don’t want, however, is for these 98 days to be just about me. Life can become pretty empty if we just live it for ourselves. I desire these 98 days to be about making a difference. To be about making an impact in the world around me. To do what I can to make this word a better and even more beautiful place.
I desire these 98 days to be important and to matter.
Not just in my life, but in the lives of those around me. And, friend, I invite you to join me.
I invite you to join me in living each of these days in God’s fullness and grace. To live with the intention of shining brightly wherever our paths takes us. To be a peacemaker and a good-finder. And, to share beauty and show love and extend help as often as we can.
My plan is to share these days–the beauty, the experiences, the little and big things–through my social media and my posts, using #98daysofsummer. When you see it, you’ll now know the meaning behind it. Feel free to use it too, if you wish! (Last year I used #bestsummerever, and we had a blast in sharing our experiences with it!)
I believe it’s going to be a great summer. And, I look forward to sharing it all with you.
Now it’s your turn. What are your summer plans? What are you most looking forward to? How do you plan to live these 98 days of summer? I look forward to hearing from you!
Let’s begin today by going out and making a difference in this world.
Linking this post with friends Lori, Anita, and Suzie.

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This is such a great way to envision the gift of summer! I can get my mind around 98 days — it’s a finite gift, and I want to use it well! Happy Summer, Julie!
I’m with you, Michele. I want to use it well too. Happy Summer to you! Blessings!
I’m like you, Julie. I don’t want to waste any of those 98 days. I love sitting outside in the morning drinking my coffee, reading my Bible, and working on my blog, surrounded by birds and flowers and soaking it all in. I love the idea of being purposeful about making summer count, not just in my life, but in the lives of others. For me that means plenty of trips to the pool with grandchildren and helping my mom with her garden. Summer blessings to you!
Oh, Donna. Your summer activities bless my heart. Enjoy every single moment. Wouldn’t it be great if we lived closer to each other to share a couple together?! Thanks for stopping in and sharing. I appreciate you and your presence! Bless you!
Homeschooling 3 boys means that my summer doesn’t look much different from the rest of the year! But I’m happy to have found your blog and pray that we will make a wonderful loving difference in the lives of those around us this summer <3
Liz, what a gift it is to homeschool your boys! Way to go! I imagine summer does look pretty similar than the rest of the year for you. I’ve never really had that thought before. I pray we all will make a difference to those around us this summer. God bless you, new friend!