5 Truths For When The Storms Of Life Rage

by | Sep 4, 2016 | Ramblings

Not so long ago I was caught in an awful thunderstorm. The sky turned a weird color of green, the wind rocked my vehicle, rain poured, lightning flashed and thunder roared. I shouldn’t have been driving in it, but I just wanted to get home and get to safety.

I don’t like storms.

Not one bit.

Nor do I like the storms of life that rage wild. But, who does? I mean, who finds these storms that blow wild, send downpours, and cause us to take cover, pleasant? I would venture to guess, no one.

The reality is, as long as we’re on this earth, we’re going to experience storms… both in the weather and in life.

Even so, we’re not left to weather these storms alone. We’re also not left without hope.

Jesus, Himself, said,

“I’ve told you all this so that trusting me, you will be unshakable and assured, deeply at peace. In this godless world you will continue to experience difficulties. But take heart! I’ve conquered the world.” (John 16:33)

Jesus is our hope in the storms of life.

Friend, maybe you’re walking through one of these storms right now. I pray you aren’t, but if you are, I can relate. Our family is journeying through one that’s a doozy, and just today another storm crashed in on the scene and blindsided us. The details aren’t important, but where we fix our gaze is. We can either focus on the storm–the wind, the rain, the lightning, and thunder–or we can focus on the One Who can calm the wind and raging seas.

I’m doing all I can to cling to Him.

As I do, I’ve been turning to God’s Word. It has a way of calming my heart, filling me with His peace, keeping me focused on truth, and helping me stay uplifted and encouraged. May they do the same for  you.

5 Truths For When The Storms Of Life Rage


Here are 5 Truths For When The Storms Of Life Rage

1 – God is with us.

Be strong and brave. Don’t be afraid of them and don’t be frightened, because the Lord your God will go with you. He will not leave you or forget you. Deuteronomy 31:6 NCV

2 – God is in control.

He calmed the storm to a whisper and stilled the waves. Psalm 107:29 NLT

3 – God hears and rescues us.

The Lord hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles. Psalm 34:17 NLT

4 – God is our Protector.

The Eternal One is good, a safe shelter in times of trouble. He cares for those who search for protection in Him. Nahum 1:7 Voice

5 – God is stronger than the storm.

“I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world.” John 16:33 NCV (The same verse as above.)

You may not need these now, but someone in your life might. But, if there’s a storm is raging in your life, I urge you to cling to these truths as you cling to God. Turn your focus to Him. and trust Him to lead you and your loved ones to safety. We can take Him at His Word.

He’s with us in the storms of life.

And He’s not going to leave us until we’re safe in His arms.

Much love to you today, friend.



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  1. kristine

    I love all of these Julie, but especially #5! Thanks for the encouraging reminder today:)

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Kristine! Thanks for stopping by. It always blesses me to see your smiling face! Have a great week!

  2. Kim

    I love thunder storms. I have since infancy. They don’t scare me. Probably because my dad used to hold me on the front porch when we lived in Nebraska, and we watched them roll in across the plains. My siblings used to scramble into my bed in the middle of the night when storms came through. And to this day, I love sitting on the bench on my front porch and watch and listen to storms rumble about, lightning and all. I am reminded of the power of God during storms. The verse that I always think of is, Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

    That being said though, storms of life are not at all enjoyable. But again, Psalm 46:10. God is more powerful than the difficulties life brings and He is with us through them. Prayers for your family and your current situation.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Kim, thank you for sharing some beautiful memories here. I’m so glad you’re not afraid of storms! What a perfect scripture for both storms in the weather and storms in life! Thanks for that. I appreciate your prayers, and hope you are doing well! Thanks for being here, friend!

  3. ordinarilyextraordinarymom

    These are all extremely encouraging, especially when my mind is moving in overdrive. Thanks so much for sharing!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I understand what you mean with your mind moving in overdrive. Praying God meets you where you are at, and helps calm any storm that might be brewing in your life. Glad you stopped by!

  4. Teresa Snyder

    Thank you I think we a heading into one

    • Julie Lefebure

      Teresa, I’m praying it’s a short-lived storm, and one in which you feel God’s presence throughout it all. Cling to Him, friend!


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