25 Things I Desire to Teach My Daughter

by | Jun 29, 2014 | family life, Parenting, This Lefe Family

25 Things I Desire to Teach My Daughter

Train up a child in the way he should go,
And when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6

Parents, we have quite a responsibility raising up daughters who follow after God, and who are comfortable in their own skin.

Daughters who are kind, respectful, and who have their priorities in line with God’s will for their lives.

Daughters who consider themselves important, yet who are humble, and full of gratitude and grace.

May we be interceding for our daughters through prayer each and every day!

I came across this list I wrote two years ago when my daughter was a Senior in high school. I realize today, I have a couple more things I’d like to finish on it.

Please, by all means, add to this list in the comments section below!

25 Things I Desire To Teach My Daughter

  1. How to completely focus on the person you’re talking to.
  2. How to give a firm handshake.
  3. A man will never treat a woman better than he treats his mom. If he doesn’t respect his mom, he won’t respect you.
  4. How to accept a compliment graciously.
  5. How to change a tire and how to pump your own gas.
  6. Appreciate the little and simple things in life.
  7. How to throw a football.
  8. How to stand up for yourself respectfully.
  9. How to apologize well, and ask for help when needed.
  10. You can always come home.
  11. Make time to read your Bible daily, and apply it to your life.
  12. It’s okay to laugh at  yourself.
  13. Believe in who God created you to be.
  14. Ignore negative voices.
  15. You are worthy, you matter, and you are incredibly special.
  16. How to say no.
  17. How to manage your money.
  18. Pray often and much, in Jesus’ name.
  19. How to sew on a button and hem a pair of pants.
  20. It’s okay to not follow the crowd.
  21. Surround yourself with people who breathe belief in you.
  22. No one will be a bigger cheerleader for you than your mom.
  23. It’s never too late to call me to come pick you up.
  24. You will make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.
  25. This world isn’t all there is. Put God first, and rely on Him above anyone or anything else, including yourself.

No matter how old our daughters are, it’s never too late to teach them imperative life skills and what’s important in life.

My son’s list is coming tomorrow…


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  1. Sabra Penley

    I love this list, Julie! Lists–I’m all about lists. Can’t wait to read your list for sons. I’ll have to use these as checklists to see how much I still have to share with my 25- and 28-year-old. (Always a mom, right?) Thanks, Julie.

    • Julie

      I’m all about lists too, Sabra! Yes, once a mom, always a mom. I would be able to learn a thing or two from you as you have raised your two sons. I’d love to read a list of yours some day! Have a blessed week, dear friend!


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Julie Lefebure
25 Things I Desire to Teach My Daughter
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Yet, sometimes we can't tell the difference. Asking these 2 questions will help you discern what's true and what isn't. 

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