Yesterday was a special day in Bill’s and my life together. On April 20, 1991 we began our journey through life together. 🙂
I had met Bill six months earlier at a Halloween party at the local “bar.” My brother, Marty introduced us. I didn’t much care for him then, as he had a squirt gun that looked like a machine gun and quirted water in my face from a very short distance away. I, then, threw the water I was drinking in his face. What a nice way to meet, huh?
But something happened in my heart six months later when I saw him in that same bar. Tina and I went there after her brother and sister-in-law, Jeff & Jenny’s, wedding and reception. She was a bridesmaid, and I sang in their wedding. When I saw Bill, my heart did somersaults and my stomach was filled with butterflies. And from what I understand, he was feeling those same things about me.
We ended up connecting with each other over the phone (I called him first, by the way) a couple of weeks later…and the rest is history. Our first date was May 11, and Bill proposed to me on July 28. (Just three months and eight days after my stomach butterfly-filled night of April 20! Can you believe it??!!) We married the following year…August 8, 1992.
It sure was a special day in the history of our lives! Last night we celebrated at home with Ali and Zach with a take and bake pizza, ice cream, and our favorite beverages. (I have to say though, that Tina reminded me of our special day during BSF yesterday morning when she leaned over to me before our lecture and whispered, “Happy Anniversary!” Only my best friend would remember such a special day in my life!)
Bill, wow…twenty years together…can you believe it? I love you even more today than I did when I married you. It’s something that I still get butterflies…when I see you coming around the corner towards me in the grocery store aisle. Or when I hear the door opening when you come home. Thank you for loving me like you do! 🙂

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