Does cheering my son on in two soccer games on an absolutely beautiful day count as giving? 🙂 I guess it could if I really wanted it to, but that’s something I normally do anyway. It really was a beautiful day!
It was my sister-in-law, Stacie’s birthday yesterday, so in between our soccer games and Patrick and Bennett’s football games, we met for a late lunch to celebrate her birthday. That was fun, but a very quick meal for us. I hope she liked the birthday gift we gave her. 🙂
Last night I chose to sit down and write notes of encouragement to some of the people in my life. I thought taking an hour of my day, to love on some of the people in my life would be a wonderful way of giving. I mailed those notes today. 🙂
I baked cookies for my family last evening, even though they were the Pillsbury ready-to-bake cookies. 🙂 Ali and Zach love them!
That about wrapped up my giving for yesterday. Not much, but I tried to be creative with the schedule we had yesterday.
On to day 4! 🙂

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