As a young child, there was no place like it. No place I felt more secure.
No matter if I had a tough day, or a broken heart, or just needed reassurance everything was going to be okay in my juvenile life, it was the place I would go. And I could stay as long as I needed to.
That secure place was my daddy’s lap.
I would climb up and snuggle in deep. Dad wasn’t a big man in stature, and didn’t have any extra padding anywhere on his body. But the way he would tuck me in on his right side made it the most comfortable place in the world.
I don’t remember the conversations we had, but I do remember the closeness we shared, and how Dad made me feel. Nothing could touch me there. Nothing could harm me. All scares and cares vanished. I was safe, and life was sweet again.
I would eventually climb back down and be on my way.
As I grew, this routine became more difficult each time. It was a startling moment when I realized I was getting too big for my daddy’s lap. The thought had never occurred to me this day would arrive. But the last time I tried to snuggle in, I couldn’t. My growing frame didn’t fit where it always had.
I believe both Dad and I recognized these priceless daddy/daughter moments were coming to an end. Mom revealed to me after I had become an adult how difficult that was for Dad, knowing his daughter would never sit on his lap again.
And I never did.
We read the headlines. We see the newscasts. There’s wars, shootings, robberies, kidnappings. There’s women and children trafficked, drug rings growing, gangs threatening, Democrats and Republicans fighting. There’s natural disasters, loss of life, friends and family battling cancer. Families are breaking down, churches are falling apart, baby body parts are being sold.
It’s enough to make us want to run and hide, or maybe curl up in a fetal position under our desks.
We feel anything but secure.
I’m guessing there’s something causing insecurity to rise up within your heart today. Something specific that causes twinges of panic, pangs of alarm, moments of dismay.
When these begin to overwhelm, it’s good to be reminded our security isn’t in this world.
Our security lies in the One Who created you and me.
My sheep respond as they hear My voice; I know them intimately, and they follow Me. I give them a life that is unceasing, and death will not have the last word. Nothing or no one can steal them from My hand. John 10:27-28 (Voice)
I can get so consumed with the rubble of what’s going on around me, I sometimes forget… Nothing or no one can steal me from God’s hand.
Do you forget, too?
This is true security. Even better-than-my-daddy’s-lap kind of security.
You and I will never outgrow our Father’s lap.
We all know that everyone fathered by God will not make sin a way of life because God protects His children from the evil one, and the evil one can’t touch them. 1 John 5:18 (Voice)
Just as nothing could touch me while on my daddy’s lap, nothing can touch us on God’s lap of protection.
This circumstance you’re walking through today may be unbelievably scary. It would be easy to be consumed with fear, grief, and dread. I know, because I’m there, too. Friend, keep your eyes on God. He’s got you and me in the palm of His hand. We are secure.
He’ll hold us until we’re ready to journey on, and steady us as we go.
He reached down and drew me from the deep, dark hole where I was stranded, mired in the muck and clay. With a gentle hand, He pulled me out to set me down safely on a warm rock; He held me until I was steady enough to continue the journey again. Psalm 40:2 (Voice)
I’d give about anything to climb on my daddy’s lap one more time. But an even better lap is open… my heavenly Father’s. He’s waiting for us to snuggle in and rest in his care.
He’s got us, friend. He’s got us.
Much love to you today,
It’s Day 23 of 31 Days #CelebratingWhoYouAre. I probably needed this post the most today. I’m praying for us all, to rest in His security today and every day. Thank you for journeying with me. You are a blessing! (Linking this post with Susan B. Mead and Deb Wolf.)

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Julie, I loved my sweet Daddy, Eston Willis, just like you loved your Daddy…his arms and big loving smile were always open to me, and I loved sitting in his lap even as an adult! He introduced me to Jesus and went home to be with Him in 1989…how I miss him, but because of my relationship with Jesus, I do feel His Loving Arms wrapped around me giving me His Peace and His Presence every day…many blessings to you!
Your daddy sounds a lot like mine, Beth. I enjoyed reading about him and your relationship with him. Priceless. May God’s loving arms surround you today!
What a good word today, Julie!
I love, love that image of your daddy’s lap! There is no better place to go, is there!
Hope you enjoy a blessed day today~
Thank you, Melanie. Yes, there is no better place to go. Bless you!
So sweet! Your dad looks like such a kind man. What an encouraging reminder that our Heavenly Father is our place of security and rest in this chaotic life. Psalm 40:2 is such a powerful verse it brings tears to my eyes. Visiting from Faith and Friends
Hi Valerie! Thank you for stopping over. I love that Psalm as well. Powerful. May your weekend be completely blessed!
Thank you, Julie. This picture of you and your father tore me up a bit as I lost my Daddy to cancer when I was 12. I imagine those lap sits were about over but I can still recall that they were happening until he got sick and was hospitalized. I climbed into the bed with him but I could only be there for a few minutes because I had two younger sisters and they had to have a turn as well. Back then, we were only allowed to visit on Sundays and then only for a short time. So those moments were precious.
Knowing that I can still crawl into our Father’s lap and also knowing that the sharing doesn’t matter because He has room for each one and all of us. Praising God with you. ~ l
Beautiful memories, Linda. Thank you for sharing them here. Yes, I’m glad He has room for each one of us. You’re a blessing, sweet friend.
I’m so thankful that I am safe in Gods loving arms.
Amen to that!! Thanks, friend!
Such a lovely post—thanks for sharing your special memories. Mine are times spent in my grandad’s lap… you took me right back there with your words. He had the worst singing voice imaginable, but I LOVED it when he would sing his funny old songs to me or open a book and read me a story. Precious! So thankful for our Heavenly Father’s ever-open arms and his incredible patience and love for us. Blessings to you! Stopping by from Counting My Blessings 🙂
Hi Laura! Memories such as these are beautiful. I pray we never forget them. I’m blessed that you shared yours here with us. It’s a gift I am honored to receive! Have a blessed day, friend!