When You Feel Invisible

by | Apr 7, 2015 | Love God, personal journey

It was Girls’ Night out. But you didn’t receive an invitation.

The office went out for lunch together. You found out about it after they returned.

You overheard friends recalling the fun they had together last night. You were home.

Everybody knows the inside joke. Everybody but you.

And then the kicker…

Those you were with were included. But you weren’t.

Am I invisible

Am I invisible?? Am I not liked??

Ever felt this way? You feel left out. Shut out. Not worthy. You thought you fit in, but maybe not after all.

Friend, you aren’t alone.

We all have the desire to belong. To fit in. To matter.

And when we don’t, it hurts. It’s hard. We question ourselves. We question others. We even begin to question God.

Why not me, God?? Why wasn’t I included?? Do I matter to anyone??

Just recently feelings of “not fitting in” consumed me. I had to let them go. I had to stop the thoughts that followed. Otherwise they would have wreaked havoc in my life, and would have stolen my joy. I couldn’t let them determine my worth.

Our worth is not found whether or not we fit inMy worth and yours is not found in whether or not we “fit in.”

Let me remind you right now, you matter. You are worthy. You are incredibly special. All because of the One who created you. The One who designed you, and formed you in your mother’s womb. You matter to Him. And He loves you.

Rest in that for a moment.

Also, if I may offer another perspective, it’s quite possible God could be sparing you and me from something hurtful or harmful by not being included in others’ plans and invitations. Maybe He’s got something much better for you in the works. Maybe He’s teaching you or someone else something specific through the experience.

There’s a bigger picture we aren’t able to see.

Not yet anyway.

Remember from my post the other day, as sometimes we need to see what our faith sees and not what our eyes see.

In those times, friends, we can hold our heads high. We fit in with the One who matters. To Him, you are not invisible!

And really, that’s all that matters.

Now it’s your turn. Have you ever felt invisible? Any words of wisdom, or a specific scripture you cling to in times like these? I’d love to read them!

I’m cheering you on in your faith and life today!


Linking up with Kelly and friends for #RaRaLinkup and Holly and friends for #TestimonyTuesday. You’ll be blessed when you visit both of these beautiful spaces!

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  1. Kia Stephens

    Julie, I too have felt this way. But I find hope when I look towards Christ. He did not fit in either and at the most pivotal moments of HIS life all fled and left Him abandoned. Forsaken. Rejected. I draw encouragement because I know as a follower of Jesus I to will face my share of rejection too, but it is not in vain. Thank you for your words, “My worth and yours is not found in whether or not we “fit in.” So true – our worth is found at the cross. Be blessed! – Kia

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Kia. Amen! I appreciate your words and for pointing us back to Christ. Yes, our worth is found at the cross. How blessed a truth is that! Thank you for sharing here today. God bless you as you continue to serve Him!

  2. Kim Stewart

    Oh Julie, I struggle with feeling invisible too. I’m finding great wisdom in Holley Gerth’s new book “You’re Loved No Matter What”. Thanks for sharing on #raralinkup. Have a great day!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I might have to pick that book up, Kim! Thanks for the recommendation. Praying your day is blessed. Thanks for stopping by, friend!

  3. Karen Brown

    Julie- it’s so painful to feel invisible. That’s for sure- but I always find that it’s so good for me. It’s good for me to fade a bit and remember the One who’s glory should be front and center. I LOVE these words, “In those times, friends, we can hold our heads high. We fit in with the One who matters. To Him, you are not invisible!” Amen- that is so comforting to know that though I’m supposed to humble myself, He still cherishes me. Loved your post, as usual! 🙂 Thanks for sharing your gift.

    • Julie Lefebure

      I couldn’t agree more, Karen. “…who’s glory should be front and center.” In those times of feeling invisible, we can glorify Him, and allow Him to shine. So glad you stopped by to share here, friend. Your words are a gift! Blessings!

  4. Kortney

    What a great reminder that God loves us no matter what, and also to remember that we need to be kind and loving and include others so that they feel God’s love through us. I remember a time when I was extremely lonely. There was just no one I could talk to. It was a hard season in my life, but God did teach me so many things during that time. The biggest thing he taught me is to make Him my best friend, and the one I would turn to. He also used that time so that I could show compassion to others in the same situation, just like you are doing now. I think of the verses in 2 Cor 1:3,4 God..the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves received from God. Beautiful reminder from our Father, our Father who takes us and comforts us and loves us. . Thanks for sharing your words today! Your sister over at #raralinkup!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Kortney, I appreciate you visiting and sharing your experience here. I’m so glad God taught you during that tough time in your life, and that He has become your best friend. What a gift! And knowing He’s one who never leaves us… He’s the best friend a person can have. Your words are so encouraging. Thank you! May we all be intentional about showing compassion to others. Always. Bless you, new friend!

  5. Tara

    Oh Julie yes I have totally felt invisible. Prob more times than I care to admit. But you’re right perhaps God was protecting me during those times. We are all valuable especially by this one who “fearfully and wonderfully” made us. I’m so glad to know I’m not alone. Love Ya friend!!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m grateful our value isn’t found in anything but Him who created us. That gives me peace every day, especially when I feel invisible!! Bless you, friend!

  6. Kelly Balarie

    I have felt invisible. I have felt invisible to God and uncertain that he cares for me. Thank you for this post. I understand what you convey. 🙂 You bring great words to needy hearts. I cheer your insights here from the #RaRalinkup on Purposeful Faith.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Kelly! Glad we can walk this road together in cheering each other on in faith! Thanks for hosting the link, my friend! Blessings!


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Julie Lefebure
Am I invisible
Our worth is not found whether or not we fit in
When Your Identity and Your God-given Identity Differ
How to Live Overjoyed Instead of Overwhelmed
Does God Really Have Good Things In Store For Me?
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