Preparing for a long and full day ahead of me, I ran across this appropriate quote…
“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say: “I used everything you gave me.” –Erma Bombeck
Everything God gave me…
Can I say that that? Can I say I’m using everything God gave me?
This week is one of the most challenging weeks of my life. Seriously. Challenging in the fact that it’s stretching me. It’s growing me. God is expanding my limits and what I thought I could do. He’s showing me new revelations about myself. And about Him.
But let me tell you, it’s uncomfortable. I’m way out of my comfort zone. I’m so far out, I can no longer see that ol’ familiar comfortable place.
I’d do about anything to settle back in it.
But doing so, would I be using everything God gave me? Or would I just be settling for what’s comfortable?
Being comfortable isn’t always God’s best for us.
When he was given the role of Peter Pan in this year’s show choir production (and believe me, it’s a production!), he was a nervous wreck. But his mom knew God was calling him to something greater. I knew God was taking him farther, stretching him, growing him, expanding the talents He planted inside of him.
Zach had to completely rely on God in the uncomfortable. He needed to keep his eyes on God in the unfamiliar.
The thought of singing in a 3,000 capacity venue about made him lose his lunch.
But as the season progressed, and as he continued to get stronger and more confident in each performance, comfortable started to return. Here, his comfort zone had grown, and what once was scary for him, now wasn’t so bad.
Two weeks ago, he performed in that 3,000 capacity venue at Hard Rock Life at FAME Orlando. He sang stronger than ever before. And I’m proud to share with you his performance, and the talent of these high school kids. They are using what God gave them.
Forward to 4:24:00 to see this incredible show. I believe you’ll be amazed.
Oftentimes God takes us beyond what we think we can do to grow those gifts and talents He’s placed within us. He stretches us and grows us to become the man or woman He desires us to be.
We don’t grow when we’re comfortable.
At least I never have.
May you and may I boldly take that step out of our comfort zones today. May we refuse to stay comfortable. May we allow God to grow us into our full potential.
Now it’s your turn. Are you in a pretty comfortable spot in your life, or is God stretching you and growing you? What new talents are you finding He’s given to you? Friend, I’d love to read some of your story.
Let’s use everything God gave us.
Linking up this post with Meredith for Woman2Woman and Holley for Coffee For Your Heart. You’ll find some encouragement at both places!
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You are so right. Our comfortable place is not always God’s best place for us! Thanks for this.
Thanks, Paige for stopping by and for sharing. Always a joy to meet new friends!
This post made me smile! I talked about getting out of the uncomfortable and taking risks today at my place. Your son is such a great example. We all need to trust and listen to what God is calling us too. I want to use my God-given gifts more and not be afraid to move out of my comfort zone.
Amen, Tara. I desire that as well. Yes, my son is teaching me some very important truths as I watch him soar. Thanks for sharing in my joy!
Oh boy. Actually, I have been convicted of being too comfortable recently. God is actually asking me to stretch out and do something different. I’m auditioning for the local renaissance festival. I have extreme stage fright. I have no idea how I’m going to do it, other than with God. Pray for me, to show His glory.
Melinda, you bet I’ll be praying for you! I’m excited to see what God is going to do through your obedience in stretching yourself. Keep me posted please! Thanks for sharing this exciting news!! You’re going to do great!
You must be so proud Julie! I got such goosebumps watching the performance. Such talent! As for God stretching me-stay tuned! Who knows what will happen in retirement. Blessings and so glad to be able to see your son and amazing show choir members.
Thank you, Mary. Thank you for being interested and for watching the video. I am so incredibly proud of all God is doing through our son. It’s fun to watch him soar! Blessings to you these next weeks as you wrap up your years of teaching. I’ll be praying for you and cheering you on. Enjoy, my friend!
I love Erma Bombeck and that is a wonderful quote. Yes, I need that kick in the pants this week! 🙂
I needed it too! Blessings!