The Strongest Strong One

by | Feb 4, 2015 | Love God

I took notice of an elderly lady sliding into one of the pews this morning at Bible study. She’s one who is dear to my heart, as we studied the Bible together in the same small group a few years back. She very recently became a widow, and as I watched her small, weary frame rest in the pew, my heart became heavy for her. Married for decades to her husband, I can only imagine how lonely she must be, and how much she must miss him.

My mind then went to my nephew. He’s almost like a son to me. Many a night he’s sat here in our living room watching movies and episodes of Hoarders on “movie night.” He lost much yesterday in a house fire. Nothing is left except the chimney and a brick porch pillar or two. I would imagine that is a terribly difficult experience to walk through at any age, let alone at twenty-two years old. My heart hasn’t stopped aching for him.

The bad began to multiply into monster-size proportions as I thought about one recent terrible thing after another.

As tears began to well up, I knew I had gone too far. I had to stop thinking about the bad. I needed to stay focused on my task at hand, and I couldn’t continue down the discouraging path I began to travel on in those few minutes.

I needed to focus on the good.

I needed to focus on God.

And as I did, the monster-sized bad began to shrink.

Sure, those terribly difficult situations were still real, but they lost their power. They lost their size.

Everything loses it’s size when compared to God.

As I’ve heard by Bible study leader voice many times, “He’s the strongest Strong One.”

Strongest strong one


I’m not about to minimize what difficult situation you may be walking through today. If it’s real to you, it’s real to God. If it’s big to you, it’s big to God. My nephew’s fire? That’s big to God, because it’s big to my nephew.

But it’s not too big for God.

And neither is your situation.

Whatever real-life bad stuff we are in the middle of today, He can handle it. Nothing is impossible with God.

With God all things are impossibleMay we each rest in this truth today, as we hand our situations over to Him to handle, and trust Him to do so.

Praying for you today, friend.



I’m blessed to link this post with my friends Meredith and Holley today. Click on their links to experience uplifting encouragement.



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  1. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    I agree, but with one caveat – sometimes we experience our own Golgotha, and feel that God is far away. The things we try to hand Him may drop at our own feet, mocking us.

    That’s where our faith meets its test, to take God’s side even when we can’t feel His presence. (C.S. Lewis covered this well in “The Silver Chair”, the fourth Narnia book…”I’m on Aslan’s side even if there’s no Aslan.”)

    • Julie Lefebure

      He’s with us, even when we don’t “feel” him. Yes, this is where the rubber meets the road in our faith. Thankful He’s never given up on me!

  2. Dawn

    Amen! With God all things are possible. It is about perspective, isn’t it. Seeing who the strong one is and how He is maneuvering Himself into every situation in our lives. Praying for your friend and for your nephew.. may they see the Strong One in their situation and feel His Presence near them.


    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Dawn. Your words bless me. I appreciate your prayers. God bless you!

  3. Joanne Viola

    Julie, I am sorry for the losses those close to you have experienced. Grateful for the insight you have shared in this post. Truth right here –> “Everything loses it’s size when compared to God.” Maybe that is why Scripture repeatedly tells us to “Magnify the Lord” 🙂 May we make Him big in our lives so all else shrinks in comparison. Grateful you shared these words! Blessings!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Joanne, you could be absolutely correct in “magnify the Lord.” I had never thought of that until reading your words. That’s powerful! Thank you. Yes, may we each make Him big in our lives. Bless you, dear friend!

  4. Ellen Chauvin

    Amen, Julie! Nothing’s too big for God. And it’s all about perspective, isn’t it? What may seem like more than we can handle, He’s got covered! Beautiful post!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Ellen. He’s got it covered. So thankful for this truth today. Thank you for stopping in!

  5. Tiffany

    Oh, yes, Julie – “Everything loses it’s size when compared to God.” I forget that sometimes – to remember that He is bigger than the problems that seems to swallow up my small life. That He is able to take them from me if I’m willing to let them go. He is a BIG God and I’m so grateful to be under His very intimate care. Blessed by your words as always, Julie.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Tiffany. Yes, He is bigger. So much bigger. That’s great news for today, and every day. May we each let these things go and give them to Him. I appreciate you being here today. Bless you!

  6. Sarah Donegan

    Such wise words Julie! God is always there with us in those big, bad situations!

    • Julie Lefebure

      He sure is, Sarah. So thankful for this truth. Thankful for you, too! Have a blessed day!

  7. Sabra Penley

    What a beautiful truth, Julie! The right focus keeps us strong because it reminds us of God’s love and power. Reminds me of Philippians 4:8–to think about the good things. Such an encouragement. Praying for God to provide for all your nephew’s needs and give him peace.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Sabra. I appreciate your words, your prayers and your friendship. God is in it all. Thankful for this truth!


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Julie Lefebure
Strongest strong one
With God all things are impossible
When Your Identity and Your God-given Identity Differ
How to Live Overjoyed Instead of Overwhelmed
Does God Really Have Good Things In Store For Me?
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