Living A Real Life Allows Us To Be Vulnerable

by | Oct 14, 2017 | 31 Days Of Living A Real Life

It’s naturally uncomfortable allowing ourselves to be vulnerable. Most often, I would guess, we avoid it if at all possible.

vulnerable :: capable of or susceptible to being wounded or hurt, as by a weapon; open to moral attack, criticism, temptation, etc.

As we intentionally live our lives in a real and authentic manner, we’re left a bit vulnerable and open to much.

My friend Cindy said it well in a comment earlier in this series,

“It’s scary to be real in a fake world! It leaves us vulnerable to the world’s critical eye, but God never intended for us to hide behind fig leaves or anything else for that matter so we (I) need to be willing to be Me and trust God will use all my wrinkles, blemishes, and weaknesses for His good!”

Cindy is right. “God never intended for us to hide behind fig leaves.” Her words opened my mind to an entirely fresh perspective. Fig leaves were used as an attempt to cover Adam and Eve’s sin in the garden. Yet, we use our own “fig leaves” to cover and conceal the real us. Our fig leaves may be different… perfection, falseness, make-believe notions, comparisons, envy, jealousy, etc. We may use a variety of behaviors to hide from being real.

We weren’t meant to hide behind anything.

No, we were designed to live open, real, and genuine lives. But, being vulnerable is risky. It takes courage. We’d rather put up walls and build barriers than open ourselves to what could be rewarding, connecting, and helpful. God designed us to commune with others, to have relationships with others. We aren’t to go through life alone. But, if we choose to live behind the wall instead of opening up to vulnerability, it’s as if we’re walking through life by ourselves. Yes, living a real life is risky and vulnerable, but doing so blesses ourselves and others.

When we're vulnerable others are open to be vulnerable too.

When we’re vulnerable, others are open to be vulnerable, too.

Sometimes we have to be the ones to go first in order for another to follow. Sure, it may matter if we’re with another we can trust, or with someone with whom we feel comfortable. And, we might not want to be vulnerable with just anyone one the street. That’s all important to be sensitive to.

But, the next time someone asks how we are, how will we respond? Will we just say we’re fine, even if we aren’t? Will we be honest–and vulnerable–or will we say what we think the person wants to hear?

Let’s stop hiding behind fig leaves.

Friend, you can be vulnerable with me, and thank you for allowing me to be the same with you. It’s a joy to journey through this real life with you!





It’s Day 14 of 31 Days of Living a Real Life. If you’d like to catch up on previous posts, you can click here for more.

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  1. Cindy Wilkins

    I’ve always been the one to tell others my weaknesses, stumbling blocks, and crazy things about myself. I think feeling less than I should be compelled me to point those things out before others could notice. I think deep down I felt that if I laughed at myself it would hurt less when others laughed at me. I’m happy to say I’ve progressed since then but still have my moments. I think about something as simple as clothes. I walk recently walked into an eclectic clothing store and found myself touching everything! I said to my sisters, “these are the clothes I’d love to wear, if I were brave enough.” I’ve really pondered that. It was true! How sad that I’ve worried about what others would think of me for so long that I haven’t been brave enough to live my authentic life. Gosh Julie, you’ve given me sooooo much the think about. This series is super good!!!

    PS Thanks for making this beginning blogger’s heart happy by adding my words to your words in this amazing post!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Cindy, your words were spot on for me. They really impacted me about being vulnerable. Thank you for allowing me to use them! I say go back and purchase one item in that clothing store and be bold, girlfriend! You are brave enough! You’re inspiring me to be brave enough too. Thanks for being such a wonderful online friend!



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