A New Motivation: Helping Others To Love

by | Mar 7, 2016 | Ramblings

For as long as I can remember, I was taught to “treat others as I wanted to be treated.”

When I became a Christian, I learned also to “love God and love my neighbor as myself.”

These are beautiful truths and commands in God’s Word in relating to others. I wish I could say I follow through on them perfectly. But, I can’t, because I don’t. Some days I do a really lousy job of them all.

Even as I fail, I continue to try, with God’s help.

But in all my years of studying the Bible, I’ve missed something I perceive as pretty special, as pretty significant. A verse that impacted my thinking and has given me a new motivation.

Last night as the house was quiet and my heart became still before a full week ahead, I opened my Bible to think on the sermon my pastor gave yesterday morning. As I was locating the Hebrews passage, a verse earlier in that chapter caught my eye. I’ve read this chapter before, but yet this one verse seemed new to me.

How have I missed this??

Hebrews 10 24 Help each other to show love... a new motivation

Let us think about each other and help each other to show love and do good deeds. Hebrews 10:24 NCV

And here’s another translation:

Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. Hebrews 10:24 NLT

It prompted questions:

How often do I think of ways to motivate another person to do acts of love and good works? (Do I do this at all??)

How often do I help others show love and do good? (Again, do I do this at all??)

What does that even look like??

When I think of helping others, I think of many other ways… but helping others to acts of love and doing good doesn’t naturally come to my mind.

This is a new thought for me, and a new motivation!

Maybe I’m the only one in the world who has missed this gem of scripture. (I kind of hope I am!) If we lived daily with this focus, can you imagine how different this world would be? Imagine a different atmosphere at home, work, school, church. Imagine the love and joy that would be rippling out to numerous others on a daily basis.

Sure, I still desire to treat others as I want to be treated. And my heart is drawn to loving God and loving others. But now I’m motivated to help others to love and do good. 

Friend, help me here. How do you help others to show love and to do good deeds? What are some ways we can motivate each other to show love? To do good things for others? (I’d love to read your thoughts!) Please help me create a list in the comments section below.

Today is a great day live this out. I invite you to join me.



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  1. Sabra Penley

    What a thought-provoking post, Julie! And no, it isn’t something I’ve thought about before. I mean, as a mom I tried to teach my kids as they were growing up to love others and do good. But God’s Word clearly says we should do this with more than our kids. The most obvious way, I think, is to be an example of God’s love and blessing to everyone around us. Love has a way of softening our hard places and helps us reach out with concern and care for others. And it’s contagious. People are drawn to love. It inspires others to do the same. Encouragement is another way. Hebrews 10:25 says to “encourage one another.” Showing appreciation when someone does something loving or excellent is a great motivator to keep doing more of the same. And probably the most inspiring and effective way is to remind them of God’s Word and His promises and direction. Sometimes we all need to be reminded to fix our eyes on Him and follow His leading. It moves our focus from inward to heaven-ward–away from ourselves and the things of this world to the Lord and His ways. Thank you, Julie, for sharing this today. You have encouraged me today to love others and do good. Blessings, sweet friend.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Sabra! I love that Hebrews passage. And it blesses me to think of the many ways we can encourage others to love and do good to others. Your words continue to inspire me and spur me on. Thank you for your presence here and for what you and David do in ministry. Hopefully one of these days we’ll get to meet in person! Much love to you today.

  2. Tara

    Our gospel text on Sunday was about those two greatest commandments: “Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as you love yourself.” For my children’s sermon, we talked about rules and rules we don’t like etc. God calls us to love our neighbors but like you mentioned that can be so hard to do.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Tara. Sounds like it was a great sermon, and one that the world would benefit from. Thanks for sharing here, my friend!


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Hebrews 10 24 Help each other to show love... a new motivation
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