What I Learned Writing For 31 Days

by | Nov 3, 2014 | personal journey

I’m still celebrating today.

I’m celebrating all my writer friends who attempted, and who accomplished the 31 Days writing challenge during October. There were over 1,600 writers who participated!

Friends, great job! What you accomplished is far beyond what you can see now. I hope to go back to your posts and soak each one in during the next couple months. I pray you are taking some time to rest and renew yourself. You deserve it! It’s an honor to journey alongside of each of you!

I’m also celebrating finishing the challenge myself. With both of my blogs. Sixty-two posts in 31 days.

And yes, that’s crazy.

I try to write every day anyway, so I thought it would be “no big deal.” I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Finishing didn’t come without some obstacles. I had never written on one subject for 7 days, let alone 31! I would write for one blog, then needed to switch gears to write for the subject of my other blog. Thankfully, my family understood. I couldn’t have finished without their encouragement and love.

Mid-week last week I was beginning to wonder if I would be able to finish. Life happened. Wednesday was by far the toughest day. A migraine at 6:10 a.m. sent me reeling. I was in a fog of pain most of the day. Attempting to write Wednesday evening was almost laughable. I had nothing. Yet, somehow the words came, and posts on both blogs were finished before I called it a very long day.

I’ve had enough experience with my Creator to know I didn’t finish those posts, and many others throughout the month. Sure, I typed out the words, but He gave them to me. He always does.

It was fitting to be reminded why I write.

I write because He calls me to.

I write because He equips me.

I write because He’s given me a deep desire to do so, and a passion to encourage others.

I write to share my real life.

I don’t need to have a million readers. I don’t need to be “trending” on Twitter, or have thousands of “likes” on Facebook. I don’t even need to be concerned about how many comments I have per post.

This 31 Days challenge reminded me I just need to keep following God. Period.

following GodSo, in my celebrating today, I’m following. I’m seeing what’s next. I’m trusting God will continue to guide me on this adventure with Him. And I’m praising Him all along the way.

Could God be calling you to do something beyond what you think you can do? Beyond your capabilities? If so, that’s a good thing. When it’s beyond what we can do, that’s when we let go and rely on Him to help us. And that’s exactly where He wants us to be.

Friend, if He’s calling you to do it, He’ll equip you through it.

If He's calling you to itGo for it, friend, and keep your eyes on Him!

I would love to encourage you in the process. Either send me a message or share it below. It’s good to have someone (or many) in your corner cheering you on!

Thank you for journeying with me. All posts in my 31 Days of Loving God & Loving Others series can be found here, and the posts in my 31 Days Of Finding Joy In The Journey (on my Live Laugh Linger blog) can be found here.

Much love to you today,


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  1. Joanne Viola

    Julie, you definitely accomplished much in writing two posts each day! It was truly a wonderful month of writing, reading, and encouragement. May He show you His plans moving forward. May He open doors and He will thoroughly equip you! Blessings!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Joanne! Thank you. I’m excited to see what God leads me to next! I am so behind in reading others’ posts from last month. But I will soon spend time at your place catching up. Thank you for your encouragement and for sharing. It’s always a joy to see your face appear here! God bless you this week.

  2. Sabra Penley

    Congratulations, Julie! As one who did not take the 31-day challenge, I applaud you. I’m doing good to get out two posts a week on both my blogs combined. Get some much-needed rest. You deserve it!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Sabra! Thank you. I applaud you for what you are doing… following God in your writing. You are such a dear friend, a talented writer, and your love for Jesus shines through in your writing. I appreciate your continued encouragement! God bless you this week. I’ll stop over soon to catch up on the posts I’ve missed.

  3. Kathryn Shirey

    Double congratulations for completing the challenge on 2 sites! Wow! Hope you get some rest. That’s a huge accomplishment. I didn’t do the challenge, but have been in the midst of my biggest writing challenge yet, a 12 week series. I’m working on the last post now – yeah! What a great feeling to get to the end – and feel like I was faithful to the call.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Kathryn. Being faithful to the call is a celebration in itself! Congratulations! I look forward to spending some time over at your place to see what I’ve missed. That’s dedication… a 12-week series. I’m celebrating you today, too. Have a great week, friend. Thank you for your encouragement and for stopping in today!

  4. Kristine

    “I just need to keep following God.” That was for me today, Julie:)

    • Julie Lefebure

      It was for me too, Kristine. So good to have you here! God bless you today. Much love!

  5. Kim

    I sent you an e-mail with my response. Thank you, Kim

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Kim! Thank you. I haven’t had much time on email lately, but am looking forward to responding to you today. Such a blessed email! You are amazing, friend. Hugs to you today!


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