Five Minute Friday – Gather

by | Mar 5, 2015 | Five Minute Friday

Five Minute Friday.

The days and weeks fly by, don’t they? Here we are again. It’s one of my favorite times of the week. Many of us gather on Twitter in a big #fmfparty community, we take five minutes to free-write on a given one-word prompt, and we gather back together at Kate’s place to share and encourage.

I’d love it if you would join us. Even if you don’t have a blog. Try it on your own, or write your five minutes in the comments section below. I believe you’ll enjoy it too.

This week’s prompt (I’ve used it twice already!):





gather:  to bring together or assemble from various places, sources, or people; collect gradually

gatherMy goodness.

It was a day of gathering.

I gathered details and made plans for a recognition event for work, and let me tell you, it’s like riding a bike for me. I can gather like a boss!

A friend and I gathered for a three-hour dinner tonight. It was wonderful to spend time with her… laughing, conversing, encouraging. Three hours of it. Yes, priceless.

When I arrived home, my husband, son and I gathered in the living room. We needed to have a face-to-face talk.

And when I logged in to Twitter, I soon found the announcement of the opportunity for many of us to gather in August in Nashville for the first ever Five Minute Friday Retreat (#fmfretreat)!

Really?? I could meet some of these wonderful online friends in person?? Most who I’ve instantly connected with? Who seem understand me, and my writing, and who encourage me the most in it??!! That sounds like a dream come true.

I’ve got to try to make this happen. But it’s happening over my 23rd wedding anniversary. We’ll see…

I doubt it’s going to be like this gathering from RAGBRAI last year, but it might be close. (I’ll can’t wait for that gathering too!)

RAGBRAI Graettinger


It’s a beautiful word. I pray in the days to come you have an opportunity to gather with those you love and those you do life with!




I’m glad we can gather together here! You bless me by being here.


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  1. asheritah @

    I love that you said you “gather like a boss.” 🙂 I would absolutely love to get together with you and other #fmfparty friends in real life. That really would be like a dream come true. Praying it happens for both of us!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m praying it happens too, Asheritah! How fun it would be!!

  2. Jen

    Hi, Julie! So nice to meet you through FMF. I like how gather can me so many different things with so many different people! Thanks for sharing. 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Jen! It’s nice to meet you too. So thankful for this community. Thanks for stopping in!

  3. Tara

    I’m so excited for the opportunity to meet so many of my new blog friends in real life. God has an amazing way of showing up and orchestrating events doesnt he?! Love Ya friend!!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Boy, isn’t that for sure! I’m hoping to be able to meet you! Love ya too!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Yes, Katie. I’d love to meet you. I don’t know how or when, but I’d like to make that happen soon!

  4. Liz

    I’m really hoping to make the retreat, too! I am going to the Declare Conference the weekend before in Texas… here’s hoping I can extend my trip and rent a car to drive to Nashville!

    • Julie Lefebure

      That’s a great idea, Liz! I sure would enjoy meeting you! Praying for God’s will in being able to attend!

  5. Jamie G

    Love the thoughts you share on your blog Julie, glad to be a FMF sister! Blessings

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m glad for that too, Jamie! Thank you for stopping by. Hope your week is going well!

  6. Amanda

    I would love to go to the FMFriday gathering too. I’m not sure it is possible, but it would be so much fun.

  7. Jana Kennedy-Spicer

    “gather like a boss” — love it!! Oh how I pray it works out in God’s favor to “gather” with you and so many lovely others in Nashville this summer!

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m not sure where that sentence came from, but oh well. 🙂 I pray it works out too. I’d love to meet you, Jana!

  8. Andrew Budek-Schmeisser

    Weirdly enough…it’s over my thirteenth anniversary.

    Sort of. We were married in 2002, divorced in 2003, remarried in 2004 (on June 24, Barbara’s birthday).

    So I guess I could say I would NOT be missing the anniversary. Sort of.

    But I’ll be there if I’m alive, able to travel, have the money, and can convince Barbara to watch the dog sanctuary for a few days.

    • Julie Lefebure

      It’ll be here before we know it. Praying we all can make it to the party, Lord willing!

  9. Betsy

    Love reading your #fmfparty posts, Julie. What wonderful opportunities God has given you to gather. I’d love to go to the retreat, not sure I’ll make it. Lots to weigh and consider during our 9 month furlough stateside. Have a great weekend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thank you, Betsy. I love this community! Yes, I’m sure you have much planned already for your 9 months while in the states. Would sure love to meet you some day soon! Blessings, sweet friend!

  10. Beth S.

    Well you know I’m hoping and praying we are able to gather together this summer!!! I will keep you posted but typically my husband’s drill weekends are the first weekend of the month. Can’t wait to hug you in real life!!!! Much love. xoxo

    • Julie Lefebure

      I’m hoping and praying for this too, Beth! I look forward to the day! Much love to you!!

  11. Amy P Boyd

    I am praying to be able to gather with you and the other FMFParty girls in August but if I can’t I am thankful to join you here on the web.

    • Julie Lefebure

      Amen, Amy. I’m praying I can make it happen, and for you to be able to also. We’ll see what God has in store for us. Blessings to you!!

  12. Jessie Gunderson

    I love those face to face chats with hubby and the fun of celebrating with friends.

    Jesus has so changed me. I used to want a life of solitude and now I know how much we need eachother. Where a gathering of women used to scared the jeebies out of me, its now something I long for.

    Wow! And I didn’t think I had anything to write on “gather”. I’d better pull up a chair and write my 5min. 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Love this, Jessie! I’ll have to stop on over and read yours. I love how we can gather together each week to share, encourage and bless. Thank you for doing that here!

  13. ~Karrilee~

    Ah yes – Gather IS such a beautiful word! Great post, my friend!

    • Julie Lefebure

      Thanks, Karrilee. So fun to gather with each other through FMF! Thanks for being here!

  14. Tiffany

    Wouldn’t it just be wonderful! Like a gathering of kindred spirits! You are so right…I’ve found so much solidarity and sisterhood at FMF and it would be pure joy to wrap you girls in my arms for a hug. A little slice of heaven in Nashville! Loved your gathering of words, Julie. 🙂

    • Julie Lefebure

      Hi Tiffany. Yes, it would be pure joy! I hope we can do that soon!! Looking forward to the day, even if it’s not in Nashville. Blessings, friend!

  15. Anita Ojeda

    You make me smile, Julie! I’m a little sad that I won’t make it to the meet up–it’s dedication and registration weekend at school :(. Maybe I’ll be able to go to Allume one of these days (October is much more doable!).

    • Julie Lefebure

      You make me smile too, Anita! Gosh, we have to figure out how we are going to meet soon. Can’t wait until the day! Thanks for stopping by, friend!


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Julie Lefebure
RAGBRAI Graettinger
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